Angelfish Pregnant?


Fish Fanatic
Dec 19, 2005
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Right, it turns out that my female bristlenose has a bit of a ripped fin... But i'm off school ill at the moment so cant go out to get anything for her :crazy: . Putting that aside for now, I was keeping a watch on her and one of my angelfish swam past! :p (Bob). But i also noticed something different about bob... He has got rather fat :S At first I thought that "he" is pregnant and getting protective, or has already layed the eggs somewhere i didnt see, and my female bristlenose got too close and he nipped her, but then thought I was being pedantic because it is an egg layer and doesn't get fat! :p But then I thought again... My only other egg laying fish, which may i add succeeded, was the bronze cory, and the female was fat before and after she layed eggs, so it might not be a bad assumption. (BTW, I do have two angelfish in there :p) It was feeding time when I noticed her being fat, so it might just be the food but i had never seen this before. I REALLY do want to breed angelfish, along with BN's :lol: . So do you guys think that I have babies on the way? Or is it just food and an agressive fish in the tank?

The two angels do definitely tend to "pair off" but im not sure whether more than usual or not, because I have never seen any other angelfish :S. So that might just be the amount they spend together normally without being a mating pair. I would say they probably spend about (... lol... I look at the tank to see how much they are together and they are at opposite ends of the tank... lol.) We.. I'd say 70%ish of their time next to each other, following each other in turns. I have never seen agression between the two.

Thanks, and any points are welcome! :D

On a side note: I saw my firsst non-pregnant swordtail today! :p My first swordtail has become un-fertilised! :lol:
they only get aggressive once the eggs have been laid and then they wont leave that area till the fry hatch.

the aggression comes in when another fish enters the area they have claimed for there eggs.

Angel fish are jus aggressive anyway sometimes i think.

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