Angelfish Popeye (I think) won't go away


New Member
May 5, 2020
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Hi this is my first post here. I have 2 adult angelfish, both are active and eat fine. Water has below 5 ppm of ammonia and nitrite and about 20 nitrate. One of the angelfish has had a swollen eye for a while. In the beginning it had white stuff around the edge of his eye and I treated that right away with aquarium salt, melafix and pimafix. For about a 2 weeks however the size of the eye remained the same but just tonight I noticed now both of his eyes are starting to swell but there is no signs of ich or any white. Not sure what it means but any help or possible treatment options would be appreciated. (The other angelfish has had no issues and her eyes are much smaller)


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Continue with the salt and do daily 75% water changes
Can we get pictures showing the fish from the front and side?

Why is there foam on the surface, what chemicals/ medications are in the water currently?

You want ammonia and nitrite to be 0ppm at all times and nitrates to be below 20ppm.

How long has the tank been set up for?
How often do you do water changes and how much do you change?
Do you gravel clean the substrate when you do a water change?
How often and how do you clean the filter?

Pop eye is normally caused by an injury, poor water quality, a dirty tank or bacterial infection. The easiest way to treat it is by cleaning the tank conditions up and adding a bit of salt.

Try doing a 75% water change and gravel clean the substrate every day for 2 weeks.
Make sure any new water is free of chlorine/ chloramine before it's added to the tank.

Add 2 heaped tablespoons of rock salt, sea salt, or swimming pool salt for every 20 litres (5 gallons) of tank water. Keep the salt in the tank for 2 weeks.
When you do water changes, add salt to the new water before adding it to the tank so the salinity (salt level) in the tank remains stable.
Tank is just under a year old, I normally do 15-25 percent water changes weekly. The filter is just a hang on back it wash it whenever it gets slow (probably once every 9 days). The Foam in the tank was from the Melafix and pimafix as i just put it in a few minutes before noticing both eyes are large. I attached pictures of the other angelfish in the tank just to compare size of eyes as the whiter one seems to me to be much smaller than teh black one. ( 20200506_112722.jpg is the one that is not sick).

The cleaning i use a siphon and go above the substrate line because my tank is planted and i have carpeting things on the bottom. So i dont stick it all the way in the substrate, only above.

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