Angelfish - New Member


New Member
May 20, 2008
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Good afternoon all, this is my first post, and i'm about 3 months into my fish-keeping experience! I'm very much loving it at the moment, except when I lose one :-(

I've been keeping goldfish for a few months, and last month I decided to start having some tropical fish, so i've got my Dad's old tank - at least 100L's, it's quite big, and the fish I have in there are doing very well.

I've got 5 zebra danios, 2 coreys (did have 3, but 1 died :-( i think it looked unhappy from the start so prob just a bad fish), and 3 platys.

I've checked my nitrates, nitrites, etc, they all seem fine, although I will water change this weekend. I do have a high Ph though, so might need to invest in some bogwood lol.

Anyway, my question is really about Angelfish. I really fancy getting a few of these, what would you recommend? Are my tank mates suitable for Angelfish? Will they be OK in a relatively new tank? I've heard they can be quite aggressive, will they nip at my platys or coreys?

Thanks for all your help, this site is great!

can you get the dimensions of the tank for us, your tanks nearly 30gals which is an OK size for angels (they'd prefer bigger but it's been done), but they do get tall so the tank needs to be deep enough for them. If you can get us the dimensions we can then advise if the tank is suitable or not.

Your fish should be fine with angels, no obvious compatibility issues, angels will sometimes eat small fish like neons (that's they're natural food in the wild) but danio's are just that bit bigger and quicker so should be fine. Angels are a touch aggressive but not terribly, providing they have enough space and suitable tankmates it shouldn't be an issue.
can you get the dimensions of the tank for us, your tanks nearly 30gals which is an OK size for angels (they'd prefer bigger but it's been done), but they do get tall so the tank needs to be deep enough for them. If you can get us the dimensions we can then advise if the tank is suitable or not.

Your fish should be fine with angels, no obvious compatibility issues, angels will sometimes eat small fish like neons (that's they're natural food in the wild) but danio's are just that bit bigger and quicker so should be fine. Angels are a touch aggressive but not terribly, providing they have enough space and suitable tankmates it shouldn't be an issue.

The tank is over 3 foot long, and about 2 foot high 1-1.5 foot wide i think - off the top of my head!!

i'd be looking to get the small angelfish (although i'm aware they will grow!)

my danios are unbelievably quick lol! it's quite a sight to see all 5 of them racing for food - the other fish don't stand a chance!!
can you get the dimensions of the tank for us, your tanks nearly 30gals which is an OK size for angels (they'd prefer bigger but it's been done), but they do get tall so the tank needs to be deep enough for them. If you can get us the dimensions we can then advise if the tank is suitable or not.

Your fish should be fine with angels, no obvious compatibility issues, angels will sometimes eat small fish like neons (that's they're natural food in the wild) but danio's are just that bit bigger and quicker so should be fine. Angels are a touch aggressive but not terribly, providing they have enough space and suitable tankmates it shouldn't be an issue.

The tank is over 3 foot long, and about 2 foot high 1-1.5 foot wide i think - off the top of my head!!

i'd be looking to get the small angelfish (although i'm aware they will grow!)

my danios are unbelievably quick lol! it's quite a sight to see all 5 of them racing for food - the other fish don't stand a chance!!

well a 3x2x1.5 tank is approx 250l so either your capcity or dimensions are way off!!!

Get the measurements tonight and post them up and we'll work out the exact size and so on.

LOL about small angels, yeah, they grow quickly, unless you plan on upgrading the tank within the next few months you need to get a tank suitable for their adult size. Doesn't matter how small they start out.
my capacity was a total guess, i just knew it would be above 100l!

the dimension's are quite accurate as i only measured it a couple of days ago! it totalled 2250cm2
OK, if that's the case then yes you have plenty of room for angels, you're tank's nearly 70gallons.

You stock to roughly 1" per gallon of water, so you're looking at 70" of fish.

Angels will want 5gals each, they're generally best kept either singularly or in a group of 4+ as they will squabble between themselves a bit so a bigger group ensures no one fish gets picked on and spreads out aggression between them.

They do best in a mature tank so don't rush out to get some straight away, they like a tank that's 6 months old or more so you've a few months to do a whole bunch of research and get the tank ready for them. But even with a group of 4 angels you've still space for plenty more fish than you have now, so you don't have to leave off altogether, can just add more fish gradually but leave room for the angels.

I'd make sure you get some more cories, they really do best in a group of 6+, the bigger the group the better though and you certainly have the space so I'd look more like 8-10 cories. :good:
OK, if that's the case then yes you have plenty of room for angels, you're tank's nearly 70gallons.

You stock to roughly 1" per gallon of water, so you're looking at 70" of fish.

Angels will want 5gals each, they're generally best kept either singularly or in a group of 4+ as they will squabble between themselves a bit so a bigger group ensures no one fish gets picked on and spreads out aggression between them.

They do best in a mature tank so don't rush out to get some straight away, they like a tank that's 6 months old or more so you've a few months to do a whole bunch of research and get the tank ready for them. But even with a group of 4 angels you've still space for plenty more fish than you have now, so you don't have to leave off altogether, can just add more fish gradually but leave room for the angels.

I'd make sure you get some more cories, they really do best in a group of 6+, the bigger the group the better though and you certainly have the space so I'd look more like 8-10 cories. :good:

ok, i love my cories they are my favourite - the two of them are always together snuggling, i think i could have baby cories soon :blush:

i will get some more at the weekend. :good:

thanks for your help, i'll hold fire on the angelfish a while longer.
ok, i love my cories they are my favourite - the two of them are always together snuggling, i think i could have baby cories soon :blush:

i will get some more at the weekend. :good:

thanks for your help, i'll hold fire on the angelfish a while longer.

I got 4 peppered cories when my tank was pretty new (less than a month) and though it was cycled, 3 of the cories died over the next week. Nothing physically wrong with them, I just think they aren't necessarily suitable for a fairly new tank (though I'm the first to admit-I only have limited experience of this.)

The surviving one seems quite happy, and I'll be adding some friends in the the next month or so.
ok, i love my cories they are my favourite - the two of them are always together snuggling, i think i could have baby cories soon :blush:

i will get some more at the weekend. :good:

thanks for your help, i'll hold fire on the angelfish a while longer.

I got 4 peppered cories when my tank was pretty new (less than a month) and though it was cycled, 3 of the cories died over the next week. Nothing physically wrong with them, I just think they aren't necessarily suitable for a fairly new tank (though I'm the first to admit-I only have limited experience of this.)

The surviving one seems quite happy, and I'll be adding some friends in the the next month or so.

I hope this doesn't happen to mine, i'd be gutted! I get attached to my fish quite quickly!!
I'm the same, and I love the cories. I bought them to add some variety and to hoover up wasted food. At the time of buying I thought they were ugly, but having seen how much personality they have and how they look when settled into a tank, I'm head over heels for them.

I'm setting up a small betta tank, and will definately have cories in there for company. Great fish.
hey ,
i have 2 angel fish with guppies, platties, mollies, neons.. and all these type of fish.
and i have had the angels for quite a while now.
and not that i know of they havent even touched the platties and guppies and all my other fish.
just today i say it nipping at my snail.
but then it just swam away and hasnt touched it since :)
so i think you could get a couple of angels :)

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