Angelfish/goldfish/cory Dilemma


New Member
Dec 3, 2014
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Hi all this is my first post, im pretty new to fish keeping although i did breed some killifish when i was younger.
I just set up my old 10 gallon tank three days ago with an airpump and bought a goldfish and some "quickstart" de-chlorinator. The goldfish was doing well in the setup and me being the impatient person i am went out and bought it three friends last night. Unfortunately not having done my research before heading to petco i just bought the fish i though looked cool, an angelfish, baloon molly, and a cory. I also bought a heater. The fish seemed to be doing fine last night except for the molly which was swimming around erratically. When i woke up in the morning the water was slightly cloudy so I changed out about 10% and went to class.
This afternoon i get back and my molly was in its death throes, it was dead before i could even change the water again. I believe it died because my tank wasn't properly cycled and the water became too toxic for the weak molly.
Where im at right now ~ the water is still cloudy but the other fish seem to be doing fine for now. I know after doing some research today that goldfish and tropical fish dont go together well although my goldfish has handled the heater well. Im worried about which fish could die next, since i heard angel fish are difficult to take care of thats who i think the next goner will be.
Sooo in my time of need im asking you knowledgeable fish people for any suggestions on how to help my fish hang in there until the tank is properly cycled and my filter arrives (other then partially changing the water out) pic attached of tank tank.JPG
An urgent rethink needed here I think. I know the impatient feeling, I was just the same when I started.
Best thing for the fish would be to rehome them, at least temporarily, then you can get your tank set up properly. There are loads of articles on this site advising how to do this. Once thats done you need to test the water in your tank. This will give you some clues as to which type of fish will do well. Once you've decided on that, read up a little on them and see what they need, how big they will grow, and how many you should buy etc. (A personal opinion - fish like balloon mollies should have no place in the hobby, they are bred for an unnatural body shape and to me thats bad for the fish) Mollies and angels/corys however are a bad mix as angels and corys prefer soft water and mollies like hard, even slightly saline water. Goldfish are coldwater fish and keeping them in tropical condition will drastically shorten their lifespan.
Because it has only been a few days since you purchased the first fish, the store may take them back. Then you can properly cycle the tank and then get fish suitable for this size tank. Unfortunately, nine of the fish you purchased have any business in a ten gallon. If you decide you want the fish, you'll need an 18" deep tank for the angel, at least a thirty for the molly (they are messy and active), and the goldfish will need 100+ if it is a comet (really a pond is best) and around thirty or so if it is a fancy. The cory can stay with the angel, but it needs to have a school.
Thanks for the replies, unfortunately by the time the mods released my post the bad water conditions and the goldfish killed all the other fish, RIP :'(
The new plan is to return the goldfish, work on the water quality until its much healthier, and buy some proper fish for the conditions in a week or two. sorry for being a fish killer
me -
Sorry to hear about your other fish, It happens to us all at times. I cringe now when I think of the stuff I did when I started keeping fish.

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