Angelfish Fry


Fish Fanatic
Sep 28, 2005
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I can't believe that I actually have free swimming Angle fry. I have had several pair of Angels spawn in the past and eat the eggs within a day or two. I don't try to remove the eggs because I don't have the space or time to raise them properly. This pair is a first time spawn in a 55 gal community tank. Both parents are doing a bang up job taking care of what looks like around 35 fry. I have been amazed with the process, each day I expected to see all of the eggs consumed. I am behind schedule with my brine shrimp, I didn't start a batch until today because I didn't think any of the wigglers would progress, and then I figured they would get eaten quickly by the other fish or even the angels. I was out of town yesterday and that is when they became free swimming.

I don't expect any to survive because I don't know how long the parents will have the energy to keep running off the other fish. Nothing is trying to eat the fry, the other fish just get in the vicinity and the parents run them off. They are keeping the fry herded into a corner of the tank and when any stray, they suck them up and then spit them back out where they want them to stay. I considered trying to net the fry, but I don't really have any place to put them except in a breeders net and I am not fond of that idea. I will just let nature take its course.

For a first spawn, these parents are just doing fantastic. One of them is a comon gold with a bit of black marbling, and the other is a black. I didn't see them spawn, so not sure which is the male or female. My suspicion is the black is the female.

Is it at all possible for the parents to successfully raise fry in a community tank? (fully planted, so tons of cover and bits of algae etc)

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