Angelfish eyes?


New Member
Feb 25, 2004
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I have 2 koi angelfish, they are good size about a silver dollar size, they were that size when I purchased them from my lfs. They seem healthy and they eat well, even laid a batch of eggs the other day. Ive always have noticed that they swim or float around alot to one side, as if to be looking down, they can however upright themselves when they want to, but I have been looking at their eyes, each one of them seem to have an eye that is not a prominent as the other, could they be blind in this eye? Do angelfish lean to one side or the other when they want to look down? Other than that they look and act healthy to me. Any help or opinions would be greatly appreciated :blink:
I have regular marble angelfish and when they want to look straight down, they just look straight down. Though sometimes they do glide close to the bottom with their bodies parallel to the bottom.

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