Angelfish eggs and leaving

Fish Buddy

Fish Addict
Mar 20, 2004
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
Well, my angelfish eggs lasted through the night with only 4 turning white ;) . The mother seems to be doing all the fanning though and no parent is chasing the other angel fish away-is that bad?
Also, I'll be leaving soon, will the fish and eggs fair ok if I'm gone? Should I do anything to prepare them for while I'm gone?
I'm sure that they will be fine The fry might get eaten by others in the tank if you are not careful though. The fsh know how to take caare of the eggs though.

I'll be gone from wed to sun. be home for a few hours then leave mon to fri. Angel fish eggs hatch in 5-7 days so that is when I'm gone -_- should I take all the fish out and put a bubbler in?
My angels haven't bred yet, but I've done some research for when the time comes. I've heard that angels don't make the best parents, and often eat the eggs and/or the fry. Many breeders will take out whatever the fish laid the eggs on and put it in a small tank or gallon jar with an airstone going.

There's a separate forum here for breeding advice... maybe you could find more details there. ;)
My uncle once breed some angels he never realy got it too work cause the fry kept being eaten (community tank) he did turn off the lights in the tank, and i think that helped a little
take out whatever the fish laid the eggs on and put it in a small tank or gallon jar with an airstone going
yea but they laid them on the tank wall :crazy: silly angels. So far both parents are fanning the eggs and chasing away other fish :) Can I remove the eggs from the tank wall or will that hurt them?
Fish Buddy said:
yea but they laid them on the tank wall :crazy:

No, you shouldn't try to take them off the wall. Sounds like if they're fanning them and chasing the other guys away, they know what they're doing! :)
A dither is a fish that acts as a 'natural predator'. the parents chase it away and think that they are pretecting their young. Some sort of 'natural' thing for the parents to do so they won't eat their young (so I've heard but I'm not really sure that I/they need one- I don't want my fri eaten if I can help it)

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