Angelfish bully?


Mostly New Member
Jun 22, 2016
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So I've posted a while back how I am going to be raising angelfish babies and then moving the two that pair off (if they do) into their own tank. So I've a set of three platinums and one marble, all fairly the same size. My third platinum I introduced after he was seperated for two weeks to avoid passing anything nasty to my main tank. So far all the platinums are getting along fine, the newest addition being civil with everyone. I've noticed that my FIRST two angels tend to bully the marble, even though he was introduced within two days of them, the same size, and none of them being old enough to pair off yet. Do angelfish pick on other angels if they look different? I know it sounds odd, I've never kept platinums before, and I'm thinking the marble might look so drasticallly different that they outcast him?

They are all healthy, no torn fins or anything, but the original two chase the marble away anytime he tries to swim/school with them and even if hes grazing plants for uneaten food and they swim by. Very odd in my opinion.
That is just what angels do, they will sort things out and the Marble will learn to stay away. Sometimes the one that looks like it is getting picked on is actually just a stirrer and chooses to antagonize the other fish.
Like all animals, some prefer the company of others, and they don't all get along. If you have more fish (10+) then any aggression is spread out over all the fish and there will be more opportunity for each fish to find a friend they like. :)
Like all animals, some prefer the company of others, and they don't all get along. If you have more fish (10+) then any aggression is spread out over all the fish and there will be more opportunity for each fish to find a friend they like. :)
Having 10+ growing angels in my 65 gallon community tank wouldn't be very good for their health or the other occupants. Once I get a bonded pair (if I even do) I plan to move them to their own tank set up I've been working on. The remaining angels I'll most likely rehome or keep depending on their temperments toward one another.

They aren't being overly aggressive I'd say, just not wanting him near them at all which I find odd. I never see them chase or nip at him unless he swims by them or they pass him as he's minding his own fishy business. All fins on all angels are in good shape too 🤷‍♀️
That is just what angels do, they will sort things out and the Marble will learn to stay away. Sometimes the one that looks like it is getting picked on is actually just a stirrer and chooses to antagonize the other fish.
I'll have to keep an eye on him then, but he seems timid to me, even during feeding time. I guess a cichlid is a cichlid no matter how "peaceful" they usually seem :lol:
I have two adult angels from my original batch that simply do not get along with any other angels and these have been homed in community tanks as individuals. I now have a juvenile bunch, and have one juvenile out of 30 in the tank that has turned very aggressive, shredding other angel's fins. He is now homed with my embers which he gets along with, I don't know what I will do with her when she gets older. I haven't raised angels for long but in the time I have I would say they have distinct personalities, some not as nice as others. I have come to expect that there will be some spats with my angels, I only get concerned now if it is long term or aggressive, most of the issues arise during changes to the environment, ie new additions, new plants or decoration. One thing I have noticed is that mixed age groups of angels in my tanks seem to have less conflict.
I have two adult angels from my original batch that simply do not get along with any other angels and these have been homed in community tanks as individuals. I now have a juvenile bunch, and have one juvenile out of 30 in the tank that has turned very aggressive, shredding other angel's fins. He is now homed with my embers which he gets along with, I don't know what I will do with her when she gets older. I haven't raised angels for long but in the time I have I would say they have distinct personalities, some not as nice as others. I have come to expect that there will be some spats with my angels, I only get concerned now if it is long term or aggressive, most of the issues arise during changes to the environment, ie new additions, new plants or decoration. One thing I have noticed is that mixed age groups of angels in my tanks seem to have less conflict.
I've never had angels this young, I've usually bought the large ones that get donated to my LFS but they've always been mixed breed/colors. Funn enough, I once had three large angels (one slightly smaller than the two so younger I assume) and the younger bullied the older two! They are fun to be sure! Do you have photos of your angelfish batch? I do love baby fish!
Do you have photos of your angelfish batch? I do love baby fish!
Sure do, I did an entire thread on them. I am now on my third batch, contemplating two new tanks 7 and 8 to grow out some of the more interesting ones.

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