Leave the pr in the community tank for a few batches. The other fish will distract the adults and help the angelfish form a better bond. After a few batches you can move the adults into another tank if you like but normally the adult fish will learn to protect their eggs and young. If the other fish continue to eat the young fish and the adults can't protect any, then move the adults into another tank.
You can set up a new tank using water and some of the filter media from the established tank. then you don't have to cycle the new tank.
If you do move the adults into a new tank, it can stop them breeding for a bit so try to do it as a last resort.
If you feed the babies well and do lots of big water changes, you can sell them when 2-3 months old. The best temperature is 28C, best food is newly hatched brineshrimp fed to them as soon as they start swimming about. Do daily water changes and keep their bellies full so they look like pregnant guppies.
The following link has info on culturing live foods and hatching brineshrimp eggs.