Angelfish barely moving

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Jun 30, 2021
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I wanna start that i am new to fishkeeping and i am very worried about my fish. She seemed to be fine yesterday,and was eating her food normally,this morning, she is barely moving, im going to post some photos. From what i've read online it could be the swim bladder disease but im not completely sure so im asking for help. Also, the tank is 105l, and im having a really hard time keeping the temperatures low, i've been using frozen water bottles but the temperature still rises really high at times, so maybe thats stressing her out? Please help
I wanna start that i am new to fishkeeping and i am very worried about my fish. She seemed to be fine yesterday,and was eating her food normally,this morning, she is barely moving, im going to post some photos. From what i've read online it could be the swim bladder disease but im not completely sure so im asking for help. Also, the tank is 105l, and im having a really hard time keeping the temperatures low, i've been using frozen water bottles but the temperature still rises really high at times, so maybe thats stressing her out? Please helpView attachment 139213
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I don't know a lot about angelfish, but I'm pretty sure that they need a larger tank than that. Could you tell us your parameters please? (Ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH etc.) I'm not too much of a fish pro, but I can tell you that you shouldn't be using frozen water bottles to keep your tank cool.
Also, what are the tank mates?
Welcome to the forums

I don't know a lot about angelfish, but I'm pretty sure that they need a larger tank than that. Could you tell us your parameters please? (Ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH etc.) I'm not too much of a fish pro, but I can tell you that you shouldn't be using frozen water bottles to keep your tank cool.
Also, what are the tank mates?
thank you for your reply. The angel is still very young and his tankmates are a common pleco,5 corys and a three spot gourami (told by the pet shop i could keep them together but i am looking for a new home for him after further research) , i dont think the tank size is the issue. Any advice on keeping the tank cool differently? Im using frozen water bottles because i read that in a different forum but im willing to try a different method. I am not sure about the water parameters atm, i live quite far from the pet shop and dont have atesting kit rn, i will update you on that as soon as i can. Hopefully my angel gets better,im gonna try treating him for fish bladder disease,we will see how it goes.
There are several different diseases/issues that can cause the fish to swim erratically/unnaturally, and I am not going to guess. I would certainly not advise starting any "treatments" involving anything other than a major water change, 70% of the tank volume, provided the GH and pH (these are two of the "parameters" important for fish) of the tank water is reasonably the same as the source (tap) water.

One possible is the 3-spot gourami. This is one of the most aggressive of the small/medium sized species of gourami, and it may well have taken a dislike to having its space invaded by the angelfish. Overnight or when you were not there to observe it, the two may have had an altercation. If you can, I would separate them as soon as possible. Return the angelfish perhaps (though the store may not take it in this condition) as this fish is not suited to this tank as another member noted. I won't get into that now, there are more pressing issues. And re-homing the gourami is a good idea, this fish might well become a real problem down the road.

To the temperature...leave it alone. Unless you can permanently cool the water, as with a chiller or some sort of refrigeration, it is best to allow it to fluctuate according to the room temperature; a heater to prevent cooling below "x" is OK, but during heat waves leave things alone. Ensure there is very good surface disturbance to keep a good level of oxygen in the water. Leaving the tank uncovered is OK but be careful, fish do/will jump, even substrate fish like cories can be found on the floor in the morning. If you can cool the room, fine. But any temporary water cooling like floating ice packs, water changes, etc are not advisable. The too-rapid fluctuating temperature can cause severe stress.
told by the pet shop i could keep them together
To keep the story short I had a sales clerk at a LFS tell me the same thing a few years ago. My personal experience is that you can't, as @Byron mentions 3 spot gourami can get very aggressive.

Sometimes when my angelfish get tired the will align themselves with whatever current is in the tank so they can maintain their position without expending additional effort. If your angel was defending itself, as Byron suggests, it could be taking the position it is in because it is tired.

This fish forum group has been quite helpful on a number of issues, and willing to help with stocking ideas.
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Thanks everyone for your replies, by "treatment" i didnt mean any meds or anything, i was advised to feed the fish with peas. I will try to do everything you guys suggested, hopefully I'll find a new home for the gourami, and I guess we will see what happens with the angel. Thanks everyone for your help, i really appreciate it.
Please read this topic
If the tank has only been set up for a short period of time, it is probably poor water quality (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate). The fish appears to have excess mucous over its body and this is usually caused by something in the water stressing it out. Poor water quality is the most common cause.

What is the temperature?
Freshwater fishes will be fine in water up to 30C (86F) as long as the water is clean, and there is lots of oxygen from good aeration and surface turbulence.

If you have the light unit on the tank, raise it up a few inches so it doesn't warm the water up. You can drill 10mm diameter holes in the top of most light units and this will let some heat out and reduce the heat going into the tank.
Having an airconditioner in the room can cool the room down when it is really hot, and the cooler room will cool the tank.

Do a 75% water change and gravel clean the substrate every day for a week. The water changes and gravel cleaning will reduce the number of disease organisms in the water and provide a cleaner environment for the fish to recover in.
Make sure any new water is free of chlorine/ chloramine before it is added to the tank.

Clean the filter if it hasn't been done in the last 2 weeks. However, if the filter is less than 6 weeks old, do not clean it. Wash the filter materials/ media in a bucket of tank water and re-use them. Tip the bucket of dirty water on the garden/ lawn. Cleaning the filter means less gunk and cleaner water with fewer pathogens.

Increase surface turbulence/ aeration to maximise the dissolved oxygen in the water.

Reduce feeding to once a day until you find out what the ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels are in the water.

If it gets worse after a few water changes, post more pictures and maybe a video of the fish. Upload the video to YouTube, then copy & paste the link here.
I would say this fish is stressed and it will be a combination of the 3 spot and common pleco. Your angel doesn't look very fat either has it been eating.

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