Angel With Serious Eye Injury


Fish Gatherer
Dec 11, 2003
Reaction score
New Hampshire, USA
Hey everyone.

I just looked at my Gold angel in my 46 gallon tank and was shocked to see that his left eye is seriously injured!! :-( It looks like something poked through it, since the inner part of his eye has a hole into it. You are able to see the inside of his eye, where it is all red and bloody. I didn't take a second, closer look at it yet, since I'm too upset now. Prior to this, I noticed that the outer layer of his eye was a bit cloudy yesterday. Overall, he appears to be in good shape.

For the past few days, he had been a bit shy, which was unusual for his behavior, and spent most of his time lurking around in the plants. I just thought that my large female angel was picking on him, until I noticed his injured eye this afternoon.

Does anyone have any ideas on what I should do or how I should treat him? I have never seen an injury like this before, so I have no idea what to do with him. :(
Bless him, what a mess, the eye really wants removing, they can get septicemia in the eyes too, i think i would treat it as it sounds bad with an antibiotic can you issolate the fish for treatment,
I think i would phone a vet.
The cleaner the water the better, and a little melafix won't hurt. If you suspect any aggression, divide the aggressors or relocate the injured fish. A seperate smaller tank would be best, it's easier for water changes, and cheaper to med if you need to. Watch out for any signs of infection.
Thanks for the advice.

I'll move him to a hospital tank today. What kind of medications do you think I should try on him?
I would try maracyn for now, good luck.
melafix is a good all round anti bacterial agent that may well stop infections and it supposedly helps to heal the fish aswell....

once you`ve got the fish under treatment you need to look for a cause to all this

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