Angel With Bad Fins.


Fish Herder
Aug 31, 2005
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Hi, I have 5 angel fish. 2 are a fair bit larger than the rest. recently I noticed that one of the larger black ones fins were a bit torn. A day later he seemed to disappear. i couldnt find him amongst the plants or anything, so I presumed he had died and been eaten. This was 2 days ago, and today when I moved my filter out to clean up i found him behind it, still alive. Unfortunately his fins are a lot worse now. Is this fin rot? None of the other fish in the tank have a thing wrong with them.
Have the fish been bullying him, can you issolate him.
Have the fish been bullying him, can you issolate him.

I have not noticed bullying of any kind. He is also the largest fish in the tank. I have moved him and the other 2 quite large ones to my smaller tank for now.
If the finrot is bad i would use maracyn, do a water change, add the med and increase aeration, good luck.

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