Angel The Male Betta Is Up For Adoption!


Jun 17, 2008
Reaction score
New York, U.S.
As some of you might remember, I found a pure white crowntail betta male with a bit of yellow on his head, and silver, making him "white-platinum" color. I dubbed the "angel" betta. He was still at the pet store after 2 weeks, and has gotten thin and weak. I just so happened to ask if the owner of the shop has ever shipped bettas before since he orders and ships fish stock to breeders. He does, and so I got this idea. Let me nurse Angel (named after his coloration and Angel from Buffy tv series") back to health, and then one lucky person on here can adopt him for free perhaps if you'll give him a great home (plus get a bag of free hikari betta pellets which I suggest feeding him), and I will pay the guy to ship him for me. He does Overnight shipping with a heat pack since the nights got colder. He will probably be strong enough to ship around October, hopefully first week, but it depends all on him.

I havent got a picture yet, will try tommorrow. He admitted the betta hasnt been fed since he got him (so thats 14 days plus during shipping), and he was using water from the goldfish tank, so Angel is a bit ill and underweight, but he is already improving in the 2 gallon tank I have him in (my only spare tank) I added some brand new water dechlorinated, epson salt and aquarisol to his tank to reduce stress, and it's working wonders for him, plus the water is warm now. He ate good though so thats good news.

I will NOT give him to anyone who will fight bettas or put him in a tiny unfiltered tank, he is special to me and I want him to live! I am on the borderline if I would accept someone using him as a breeder, would prefer him not be, his fins are too fragile and nice to be torn up in my opinion, but he is a stud and I dont know genetics fully, to me he looks pretty darn perfect! I would LIKE to see him in his own 10 gallon if possible, with a slow moving filter and lots of live plants. I hope that it would be someone who has had bettas before and not had cycling issues or anything like that, I know accidents can happen, but I feel like a Parent looking for the best possible home for him. :) I am feeding him hikari betta pellets, and frozen bloodworms/brine shrimp/daphnia, so I would like someone who can feed him these foods (or live foods if you dont have frozen), No Flakes please!

I can only ship in the U.S., and would prefer someone living in New York state, I live in NY, and want him to get shipped as quick as possible so hoping someone in NY can be his Parent.

PM me or post here if you are interested.

That is horrible. :-( He is very lucky to have someone like you looking out for him.
pics would be great. and i would happily take him but i cannot promise many of the conditions of his adoption-mainly a 10 gal tank and no flakes. all my bettas are in 2-5 gal heater filtered (and regularly waterchanged) tanks with wood and plants. and i feed flake as staple as pellets cause too many digestive problems. they all do regularly get bloodworms and peas however. also-i live in albany so not too far for shipping (and depending on where in NY you live i possibly could come collect.
just a thought if there are no other takers. but again, im certainly not promising 10 gal or pellets.
good luck with the re-homing.
wish you were in the uk , id have him in an instant! gorgeous.
aww hes sweet! doesnt look in too bad condition TBH. he could eat some and put on some weight but he looks pretty young still. dont fancy crown tails but he really is handsome! nice work!
offer still stands if no other takers. i know you have certain conditions on adoption.
His gills are a bit swollen and he has red dots on the end of his fins, he also had clear stringy stuff coming off his fins. I'll bet all of this was from poor water conditions at the store. He is improving each day, but until he is fully recovered and strong I can't send him out, if I did right now the stress would be severe. I feel shipping an I'll fish woulndt be responsible on my part. And after being kept in a tiny drinking cup ( smaller than the round cups they are usually in) he is still a weak swimmer, so he is gaining strength back for that too.
i am in the market for a new betta, and he looks great, though i am in california so i dont know how well shipping will work for that
I live in new york as well. Which area are you in? I'm interested. :]
Wanted to say he is doing much better. The red dots on his fins are completely gone, the fin burn is already healing and I am seeing new growth! His tail though is gaining more platinum in color, so he might not be 100% pure white as expected, most likely now that he is recovering his true colors are coming back, but he still is the same white color everywhere else. Will post a pic in 2 or 3 days, maybe a video too.
Wanted to say he is doing much better. The red dots on his fins are completely gone, the fin burn is already healing and I am seeing new growth! His tail though is gaining more platinum in color, so he might not be 100% pure white as expected, most likely now that he is recovering his true colors are coming back, but he still is the same white color everywhere else. Will post a pic in 2 or 3 days, maybe a video too.

you would be suprised how much they can change... Lunar was all white when i got him... and about a day or two he got a little spot of blue and well now all his fins are marbles with a light blue grey and hes specked all over his body... so only time will tell lol

BUt He is Beautiful!!!! I LOVE WHITE CROWNTAILS.... and i only live in PA... lol but no room right now so..... lol

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