angel saga #2


Feb 21, 2003
Reaction score
Miserable Wells, Texas
::::::last night::::::
Ok...this is crazy.............. :hyper:

one of my angels is turning flips and floating on its side, and not eating.....wait he's back to normal and eating now

Do I just have some acrobatic angels or what? :fun:

I checked my ammonia level today, and it was is at 7.0
I couldn't find a nitrate kit.

This angel seems to have a larger tummy....the angel that died looked the same....what is up with that?

:::::::this morning::::::
angel is still alive, but hiding in plant at bottom of tank....another angel is acting weird...these are the same 2 that were acting weird the other day.

I am about to do another water change.
Any one have any clues?
A bloated body is normaly a sign of a internal bacteria related disease usually caused by poor water quality,treat the whole tank with a treatment designed to deal with internal bacteria and cut down the feeding to every other day.Nitrate isn't normally a problem to fish unless in extreme ammounts but you do need to get a nitrite test kit as this is nearly as leathal as ammonia
Well, 1 more gone :-(

I am not sure about treating the tank for something I am not sure about.
I have one more angel acting "funny"...but he doesn't have a bloated tummy like the other 2 did...

As for poor water quality........I have only had 7 fish.....but now down to 5 small fish in a 55gal aquarium...I do regular water changes and I don't overfeed.
Do you mean the water out of the tap is of poor quality?
COuld it be that it is a used tank?

I am not that good with all this "disease " stuff.......I have always had very healthy aquariums and fish in the past...never treated except with salt.
ANy more advise would be greatly appreciated,
From what source did you get the angels from??

Did they look healthy in the tank you got them from??

Did they rush to the front of the tank when you looked in?

Did they appear hungry?

Were they swimming w/o problems?

Were they uniform in body shape?

They three in question, are these the three you just added to the tank?

From what source did you get the angels from??
I got the older quarter size 3 from one privately owned business for years and have bought from them before....very good place.
Got younger 3 from another privately owned first time dealing with them, but all the fish looked healthy, I didn't buy till I went in the 2nd time...everything looked great, the angel fish looked perfect.
I did go in about 2 weeks later, and they had fish dead in every tank just about....I didn't ask about them, but it was the day after they got their shipment in and we had a huge ice freeze....We Texans aren't used to I thought the fish may have suffered due to the unexpected cold conditions.

If I go into a shop and see even 1 tank that looks as if it has sick fish and they aren't marked N/S......I don't even think about buying there.

Did they look healthy in the tank you got them from??

Very healthy....both cases

Did they rush to the front of the tank when you looked in?
Don't remember in store...they all did at home , the sickly ones not as much.

Did they appear hungry?


Were they swimming w/o problems?
Yes, in both cases

Were they uniform in body shape?

yes, in both cases

They three in question, are these the three you just added to the tank?

2 were the youngest, the 3rd is one of the older ones.

Last night I added Fungus Eliminator to the tank and did a 25% water change prior to that. Should I turn up the heat?
It is at about 80-81 degrees right now.

I noticed a white cloudy area on the "3rd" angels left fin, it doesn't look like ich....nothing like this was on the other angels that died...or the ones still alive.

One thing I did think of was I had purchased some silk and plastic plants that were not "aquarium plants"...I got them out of the floral dept.
Do you think that there could be something toxic to the fish in these?
They were washed well before I put them in the aquarium.

I am really getting frustrated with this whole mess!!
I have found a place that has DDblack super veil angles right now, and I don't have a heatlhy tank to put them in :(

Thanks for all your help,

The silk/plastic plants could very well be the problem!! I cannot say for sure, but they may be treated with some kind of chemical.

I would pull them out to be safe. perhaps we have a member who knows the answer to this question.

The bloating does however appear to be a possible bacterial infection. While I don't like to recommend medications with out knowing for sure, you may want to find a medication that has Metronidozal as it's main ingrediant.

Double the recommended does (THIS IS COMPLETELY SAFE TO DO) as meds with this as one of the ingrediants becomes diluted in water.

If you can manage to get straight powdered Metronidazol from a vet, then by all means to this, but only use that at the recommended dose.

Cut back on the feeding while treating with this as if this is a digestive tract problem this will help. You could also simply try using epsom salt at a rate of 1 heaping tablespoon per every 5 gallons of tank water. Could be the fish are constipated and this will help "free" them up.

Keep us posted......

you may want to find a medication that has Metronidozal as it's main ingrediant.

Will this be safe to use with the med I already put in the tank?
Fungus Eliminator - Ing:sodium chloride, nitrofurazone, furazolidone, potassium dichromate.

I already have 5 tbls of aquarium salt per gal in my tank...
would this be the same as epsom salt?

I pulled out all the plants last night when I did a water change.

Is the temp ok @ 80-81 or do I need to go up?

The fish look good........... right now anyway!
Thanks for all your help,
Angel # 3 is about gone :-( ....he went down hill fast today...he is floating up to the top on his side, then swims back to the bottom.
Angel #4 is spending a lot of time under a rock tonight.
It will be tomorrow before I can get to a pet shop to get the med mentioned earlier...we just have wal-mart here....and they don't carry those meds....just the diseases.

-_- :( :sad: :-(

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