Angel Fry


Feb 21, 2003
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Miserable Wells, Texas
Angel fry are 18 days old now...only 15 left, and I have been keeping a close watch on the water parameters, 3 days ago it was up
ammonia .5-1.0
nitrites between 0 & .25
I have been doing small water changes, and today the readings are
ammonia between 0 -.5
nitrites between 0 &.25
is that enough to kill the fry?

I have a guppy fry tank that has perfect water is a 2 gal.....I have lost none out of 33, and they are about 3 weeks old...and I need to move them to a bigger home!

My angel fry are in a 5 1/2 gal... would it be risky to move the angels to the smaller tank and the guppies to the larger?

if the tank the guppies are in is cycled then that is what I would do I hate to hear that you have lost all of your babies,mabey the next batch you will be ready for with a good cycled tank. Once again I am sorry over the babies
Hi Mama

I would not move the angel fry. At their time in life any change could be the end for them.
I regularly move fry at their age from tank to tank, but they move into the same water that they have come from.
Hold on for another few weeks, and then put all the fish into the same tank. I find that fry do better when they are not too lonely.

Dolphin :teacher:

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