Angel Fry


Gun Toting Lunatic
Sep 30, 2003
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I had to do a reformat & reinstall on my computer, took some fry tank pics to give it a test run.

10 gallon fry tank, 2 weeks old today;


A little close up, they start to look like angels at around 10 days;


20 gallon grow out, these are a couple of days shy of 7 weeks, sold 20 an hour after I took this picture;


Close up of the 20, when they start with nice fins they make me think of a puppy that needs to grow into it's paws;


My favorite fry pic, my wife took this one around 1 1/2 years ago, 1 day old fry;

We have two breeding pairs and they spawn every 3 weeks but time and space dont allow us to raise the fry, seeing them makes me moere determined as Jude is deserate to raise some of them.

Great pics.
:hyper: those are super photos ! great to see the development ! :thumbs:

So what do you do with them all ? :blink:
Thy are awesome,
Are they too hard to breed?, And how can you tell male angewl from female?
Thanks for the complements everyone! :)

bigmick; Besides the tank your pair is in, you could get by with a 10 gallon for hatching & growout for the first 2 or 3 weeks, a 20 or 29 for the next few weeks , and a couple of 55's. If you have an 8 foot by 3 foot area along a wall you have room for the tanks as well as a brine shrimp hatchery. The brine shrimp hatchery takes around 10 minutes daily, fry tank takes around 15 daily for the first week, 15 every other day the second week, 15 every third day the 3rd week. After that they go into a 20 or 29, depending on the size of the spawn. Weekly maintenance goes quicker on the other tanks if you leave the bottom bare.

mrjames; It's hard to keep them from pairing if you feed them well & keep up on water changes. Start with 6 juvies in a 29 gallon, or 4 in a 20 high. Feed a good quality flake, brine shrimp, and occasional bloodworms. As they hit the 9 month of age mark, start dropping the last few gallons of water added during water changes by a few degrees, & feed right afterwards.

bloozoo2; I sell them to local shops, and at auctions. I may try a little shipping once the weather warms up a bit.

onemisterchristian; the 10 gallon has around 200 to 230, guesstimating. I'll know for sure next weekend when they get transfered to a 29. The 20 has 55 angels, down to 32 or so today, I always toss in 10% extra when I sell them, no charge. My wife asked the same zoo question long ago. She doesn't ask anymore just shakes her head. I'm still trying to figure out if this is a good thing, or a bad thing. :)

Animation: They are a little tricky to figure out at first, but not too difficult. Pairing & spawning is fairly easy, trying to figure out which anti-fungals worked best in the hatching tank took a few spawns. I think a lot of that depends on your specific water parameters. The only way to tell male from female 100% is to wait until they spawn. The female has a wider, more rounded breeding tube, the male's is more narrow & pointy.
GREAT FISH, some of those 7 week old fish remind me of the ones me and my dad used to breed, both fry and adults. Some look like the ones we have now, how cute :D

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