angel fish

November Rain

New Member
Sep 25, 2004
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American in Munich Germany
okay I am not sure its normal but after I lost one of my angels I am worried about the other 2

my fisrt angel started staying at the top of the water in one place and his gilld was as if he was breathing heavy like if we had ran a marathon

my other angels were fine and this one angel had been like that when we got it
now I never paid much attention but I dont think the other to made constant fishy faces

they are swiming fine only making lots of fishy faces
any one know why?
it could be normal and after loosing one I am a bit over worried
all other fish are doing fine (ecept after 2 weeks someone took a hunk out of a male guppys tail :no: its alive just has part of its tail missing and I think it may have been the other guppy as the other fish totally ignore them)
could someone give me
all the tank requirements for an angel

water temp
when I test the water what are the levels it should be for an angel

(I also have in the tank neons, redtail shark, sucky fish, catfish, a pair of blue rams and 1 bolv ram also live breaders -guppys, 1 pair of mollies and 1 pair of swordtails)
so we can help you could you post your test kit results here.
Just a couple of observations;

Neons are naturally prey for Angels.

What is a sucky loach? If it is a Chinese Algae Eater, when they mature they get quite large, become less efficient at cleaning algae, and take a liking to the slime coat on other fish, especially flat bodied ones such as Angels (I sadly speak from experience)

What is your tank size?

Have you tested your water for ammonia and nitrites?

Gasping at the surface can be caused by a number of things, such as ammonia poisoning or lack of oxygen (caused by poor water quality, overstocking, an overly hot tank with no airation, or no surface disturbance to enable gas exchange to take place)

What do you mean by "fishy faces"?

Regarding your guppy, it is possible it could be the other guppy, but redtail sharks are also aggressive...have you watched your tank after the lights ae turned off? You may find the aggressor then. In the meantime, try adding Melafix to the tank, the guppy's tail will grow back :)

Regarding tank setups and water parameters for angel fish, you may be better asking in the New World Cichlid forum, try a search there first!
CathyG said:
Just a couple of observations;

Neons are naturally prey for Angels.

lol I was told that after I put them together but believe it or not I havent lost one the whole time I have had the tank LOL
CathyG said:
What is a sucky loach? If it is a Chinese Algae Eater, when they mature they get quite large, become less efficient at cleaning algae, and take a liking to the slime coat on other fish, especially flat bodied ones such as Angels (I sadly speak from experience)
okay its a sucky fish lol it looks like mic jagger glues to the tank LOL with black and white spots and is the size of a neon (maybe slightly larger but not by much

CathyG said:
Have you tested your water for ammonia and nitrites?

nitrate was 25
nitrite 1
and the ph is 7.6 when it comes out the faccet so in the tank it doesnt drop it gets higher

I replaced 1/3 of the water with fresh water and tommorrow I am going to the store to buy something to lower the ph in the water
I thought the stuff I had would do it but it isnt

one is aqua safe and the other said to stabilize the ph but it isnt reducing it

CathyG said:
What do you mean by "fishy faces"?

open close mouth open close mouths like fishy faces like you made when your were kids but over and over

I took some more water out again and added more fresh water and they are acticing better

CathyG said:
Regarding your guppy, it is possible it could be the other guppy, but redtail sharks are also aggressive...have you watched your tank after the lights ae turned off? You may find the aggressor then. In the meantime, try adding Melafix to the tank, the guppy's tail will grow back :)

Regarding tank setups and water parameters for angel fish, you may be better asking in the New World Cichlid forum, try a search there first!

okay I will question how long should a fish tank light stay on a day?

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