Angel Fish...

Most medium sized peaceful or community fish. Nothing small, definitely not Neon or Cardinal Tetras or most of the small tetras; those are natural food sources in the wild for Angels.
Like what teelie..Peaceful meduim to large community fish. :thumbs:

I would not get any fish nippers either. (Such as tiger barbs, green tiger barbs and the albino version) I have them with my angels Because their in large schools and are in a good size tank. If you dont have a large tank and are not going to get enough barbs (Since there a schooling fish) they might get vored and mess with other fish.

Still you have alot of variety to choose from! :thumbs:

Black skirt tetras
Bala Sharks (If you have a good size tank)
platties.... :)
Just don't get any fish that has a reputation of being fin nippers like Tiger Barbs, you could actually get neons no problem as most angels nowadays are tank bred and you don't have to worry about the angels eating them. There's a lot of variety of tetras out there that you could mix with angels so look at some website( so you could pic which ones you like and would go with your tank and the angels.... :D

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