Angel Fish


New Member
Sep 26, 2006
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Southampton, UK
hi there. i have a lovely angel fish who has grown quite large. he has a bright red and thick vertical black strip running down his body. sometimes this stripe and the colour of his eye is very prominent and other times its very faded. sometimes the black stripe can not be seen at all. once i left the light off for too long and his eye wasnt in the slightest red...

i used to have 2 silver/black striped angel fish. The black stripes faded depending on their mood

sometimes faded colors means stress. by the sound of it, it sounds like he is afraid of the dark. i'm sorry i had to say it as lame as it sounds :p .
I'm not sure if it's because he is afraid of the dark. I've noticed this w/my african cichlids. My labs don't do it, but the p.acei, and m.callainos fade when the light is off, and shortly after I turn the light on they darken up. Not sure why, but my stats are spot on Ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 15ppm, and there isn't much fighting, even the domiante male change colors. They also seem to be darker in the evening as well. So if your stats are good, and there isn't any fighting, it could just be one of those unexplained things fish do.
i was htinking that too. i jsut wanted to say they were afraid of the dark. it could be the sudden turning on of the light scarng them awake. my fish are always ghost pale if i turn the lights on in the tank and it was dark in the room. maybe this is it. they jsut got a bit stressed from the sudden light and they calm down after a min or so. does that sound right or am i off a bit?
it is comletely normal for fish to loose some color; especially the angels. They fire up their color potency when they want to look impressive, such as when claiming territory, ext. I have also kept fish (some cichlids) that change their colaration potency when i turn on the lights.
yea its perfectly normal. they are like hillstream loaches. when you turn the lights on, their colours are faded. after they are used to bright lights beaming down on them, they show their colours. its normal. it doesn't mean they are stressed, its just how they are
ok guys. thank you very much for your help! i guess its nothing to worry about. i was concerned as he is my favourite!

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