To clarify things, I seconded BettaBoyz's minimum list, but added panda cories to that. This gives the following list with 23 fish:
6 Neons
6 Danios
3 Assorted Platties (1:2 M:F ratio)
2 Honey Gouramies
2 Freshwater (Glass?) Shrimp
6 panda cories
(I copied your part of the list, BettaBoyz, I hope you don't mind.)
That should be about right for a 96 l, as long as it has good filtration and a reasonable amount of live plants (I suggest you try to find some hardier plants, like java fern). As far as the gouramies go, I'd be a bit careful since they can be territorial, but in a tank that size a couple (male and female) should be fine as long as there's lots of cover for the female to hide. Two males might lead to trouble, so I'd avoid that just in case.
Another thing to keep in mind is that danios are very lively top-water fish, and so are platies, so they might not be the best mates for gouramis. More shy gouramis can get stressed by too much action in their part of the tank.