Angel fish


New Member
Oct 28, 2003
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Manchester, U.K.
i like Angel fish :rolleyes:

but know they can be territorial when breeding..... would it be ok to have just one in my tank described below.... we are 'cycling' the tank at the moment and know we need more tetra and danio.


:fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish:
ahh... i wouldn't get the Angels. in fact, i'd focus on adjusting current numbers. how big is your tank? how much filtration, gravel, and plants?

3 Neon Tetra
2 Zebra Danio
1 Sunburst Platy
1 Red Platy
2 Honey Gourami
2 Freshwater Shrimp

alright, firstly let's adjust.

6 Neons
6 Danios
3 Assorted Platties (1:2 M:F ratio)
2 Honey Gouramies (check that, i have no experience with Gouramies)
2 Freshwater (Glass?) Shrimp

that is probably the bare minimum of fish you need. if you want more fish, i'd suggest going somewhere like

6 Neons
6 Danios
6 Platties (1:2 M:F ratio)
6 Balloon Mollies (1:2 M:f ratio)
2 Honey Gouramies
4 Peppered Cories
2 Albino Cories
5 Glass Shrimp

makes for a nice community, provided you have swim space, adequate filtration/gravel/plants and the parameters all read 0.
This is for the 96 l tank right? That about 21 Imperial gallons and 25 US gallons.

The advice given by BettaBoyz is good, I just thought I'd mention a few more things.

For a 96 l tank I second the minimum list BettaBoyz suggested, but would add a group of small cories as well. Maybe 6 panda cories?

The reasons for not recommending angelfish for you tank is that a 96 l is too small for them, and that full-grown angels eat neons.
Thanks for the info :)

so if my maths are correct Bettaboyz u are saying i could put another 23 fish in our tank???? -_-
Morrgan u are saying 14??

we did start with 4 each of Tetra and Danio but they died :( :(

the tank curently has gravel, internal filteration, bogwood and rock. there was 6 plants but they've demolished 2 in less than a week ;)

the shrimp maybe Glass shrimp, they are see-through!! they were sold to me as Freshwater shrimp, would they mix with cories?? as they are both i correct?? -_-

total novice......can u tell???? ;)
(think i might use that as my signature :p :p )


:fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish:
just thought that i'd point out that although betaboyz' list was very good :thumbs: , i don't think you can mix mollies and cories :no: cos cories are freshwater but mollies like a little bit of salt (they're freshwater) -_- someone might correct me though... :look:
To clarify things, I seconded BettaBoyz's minimum list, but added panda cories to that. This gives the following list with 23 fish:

6 Neons
6 Danios
3 Assorted Platties (1:2 M:F ratio)
2 Honey Gouramies
2 Freshwater (Glass?) Shrimp
6 panda cories

(I copied your part of the list, BettaBoyz, I hope you don't mind.)

That should be about right for a 96 l, as long as it has good filtration and a reasonable amount of live plants (I suggest you try to find some hardier plants, like java fern). As far as the gouramies go, I'd be a bit careful since they can be territorial, but in a tank that size a couple (male and female) should be fine as long as there's lots of cover for the female to hide. Two males might lead to trouble, so I'd avoid that just in case.

Another thing to keep in mind is that danios are very lively top-water fish, and so are platies, so they might not be the best mates for gouramis. More shy gouramis can get stressed by too much action in their part of the tank.

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