Angel fish sleeping


Fish Crazy
Mar 5, 2003
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Welshman exiled to Scotland
Like most people with fish tanks my light is on a timer so it goes off at about 21:30.
Anyway, I went out last night to some friends house and never got back 'til 22:00, and the fish tank light was out ( as you would expect!)

The problem was I had forgot to feed them :crazy: So I turned on the light and all my fishies were sleeping (or resting?). they weren't even tempted by the food I put in. Except my male Angel.

As he stirred he began to swim along the bottom. Then when I expected him to swim to the top, his fins began paddling really fast, which intead of sending him up the way he went nose crashing into the sand :fun: No matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't get off the deck :no: After about 10minutes His feelers (underneath) began to relax away from the body, and the Angel seemed to be getting off the deck and relaxing into swimming :clap: So I turned the light out and left them.

Is it possible that my Angel shuts down parts of muscle when resting (sleeping) and that why it couldn't move? Or could he have had cramp?

Well hes ok this morning and happy to scoff his breakfast :D
Never have I seen it took a fish 10min to swim normal.

I have switch my lights on at night( you know that splash sound then a tump ) to see what happening how bailed out, and most if not all would turn and dash to the darker corners, missing everthing nad making it to the smallest holes

Might just be a cramp, dizzyness. Thinking about it I get cramps, headache, etc, doesnt mean I'm sick..

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