Angel Fish Problem - Disease ?


Mostly New Member
Mar 7, 2014
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I'm new to the forum, and the main reason I've joined has been due to my Angel Fish having a disease I'm struggling to solve. (In the past I've been ok to simply search). I've given enough info below in attempt to come to a quicker conclusion (so apologies for the essay)
Background info: 125L tank (Parrot chiclid, 3 zebra danios, 2 larger red line torpedo barbs) and a few fresh plants /logs, air bubbler for 200Letc) Fed on occasional blood worm and day to day tropical fish flake food (each day).
Maintenenace: Weekly water change via either a gravel vac (1 bucket full which is around 10-15%). Then on the third week, water change through emptying of the external canister. Fresh water only added to tank, with Hagen Cycle + Hagen decolonisation aqua plus.
Leading up to problem: External filtration system recently (approx 2 weeks ago) had a pipe blockage which caused an Algae bloom, this has since been solved (same day as it occurring) with new pipe allowing for good flow of water + good water change). Prior to this Algae bloom one of my Angel fish did have white spot disease, and was recovering slowly (with the correct medication)- but unfortunately due to this unseen blockage, which probably caused poor quality of water in the time, led it to unfortunately die.  Fish tank upon replacement of pipes has been very clean for the past 2 weeks with good water quality (results recently tested three times since incident by local pet shop, all have come back perfect). 
Current Problem: I only have 1 angelfish in the tank now (used to be pair as above) and this has been around the tank for approx 1 year, never had an issue with it before. However, as of the last 3 days it began to act strange. Symptoms included:
-floating about aimlessly this has progressed to no control (so much so if it falls to the air bubbler, it'll just get blown around the tank),
-It doesn't eat,
-it lies in one position (seems to find ways to get itself in between a plant and the tank wall), under a log etc
-Lies UPSIDE DOWN - constantly (its as if this is normal for the fish now)
-Evidence of BLOOD streaks on the fins and scales and haggard fins
-Evidence of stomach swelling
-tiny blood dot in eye
-Does breathe very slowly, can see its gills? moving and mouth opening a little bit. Occasionally will flap its fins, but also can go for a good time with being just motionless
What I've done: Asked the local pet stores for advice, and bought off the shelf treatment a ) Interpret swim bladder treatment b ) Interpet anti internal bacteria c ) I also have spare anti fungus medication / fin rot meds from Interpret. Carbon and filter media have been removed. Water change has been brought forward by 2 days from my regular maintenance schedule with 10% clean. White filter in canister has been replaced (original 2x blue filters remain). Also I've used aqualirbium salt to add to the tank. Temp has been gradually notched down from 28c degrees to 26c degrees to prevent any bacteria spreading (was advised to do this).
To be honest I'm quite surprised it survived overnight from initial signs of these problems, but even more so its been like this for 3 days. Can't says its been getting worse, as last 24hours its been doing the same thing. I've added the medication but just stuck what to do now if at all.  
Anybody feel free to chime in.
Picture below:

Again sorry for the essay, but would rather save time and try to solve this asap. First time any issue has been as bad as this.
Sounds bacterial with all the symptoms the fish is showing. 
To be honest the fish sound in a bad state and sounding to late for treatment. As Uk bacterial medications are 
only affective on mild bacteria infections.
All you can do is add anti internal bacteria medication by interpet. You can double dose in severe cases as long as the
fish is not breathing heavily.
Epson salt baths to help reduce the swelling.
I would also suggest peas but the fish isn't eating.
Bad water quality can fetch septicemia on.
Get you some info.

Taken from fish disease,net.
I'm no expert but I googled 'angelfish floating upside down' and this came up....
Symptoms can include:

Either floats uncontrollably to the top of the tank, or sinks to the bottom.
Seems to struggle greatly while swimming, and often will swim at an unusual angle.
May or may not have a "kinked" spine, often in the shape of an "S" when viewed from above. 
May lie around, barely moving except when a mad dash is made to the surface for air.
May or may not have a swollen belly, often caused by constipation
Swim bladder dissorder..... Maybe...
Sounds like it could be the culprite. I hope so for your sake. I'd be in a right mess if my angels were doing that.....
Welcome again and hope this helps
The third type of infection produced by Aeromonas is by no means the least. This form is often the most virulent (potent) and can be rapidly fatal. This insidious form does not produce any noticeable external ulcers. The most notable feature is a behavioral change in which the infected fish generally become listless and lethargic. Some fish may lose color or appear darker. The fish do not feed, frequently seem off balance and may sink to the bottom laying on their sides. The course of the disease is rapid, and by the time the behavioral changes are noticed, the entire population of a tank may succumb, sometimes in a day or so. This is an internal infection, with the bacteria being found in the kidneys and blood of these fish. The bacteria produce potent toxins that account for the severity of the disease. 
Right folks, thats very helpful thus far -(something… (I've forgotten the pre name))  Septicemia was briefly mentioned but the shop was not so sure, and subsequently could not really advise much further other than try asking a forum! 
@ RMS - Similarly I did google a few key words like yours, and that did come up but unfortunately was not definitive and didn't seem to be quite the exact fit (similar but not exact enough). 
I'd say my angel has not got a kinked spine (from what I can tell) nor has it lost colour aside from skin turning to blood or skin damage but no darker or lighter patches from the norm.
With regards septicaemia, my additional concern now is that with Septicemia it appears is contagious to all my other fish? They seem all fine now and happy as normal. I've not got my spare tank acclimated or cycled, nor do I have a heater present to get it up to speed in a short time to isolate the fish.  What else can I do? Water change has been done, new cleaner filter added and a dose of aqualibrium salt has been added. Dose of interpet anti internal meds increased but not thinking to add anymore until a few more days (or would a daily dose make a difference? also would swim bladder meds with this med help at all - or should I not mix?). Don't want to overdose the fish - if that can actually happen with these interpet meds.
Or quite simply Is it just a waiting game? (as of course I'd like to at the very least do all that I can do).
Thanks again people .
I wouldn't add anymore salt. Not all fish tolerate it to well. Not to sure on some of the fish you keep.
Septicemia can be fetched on by bad water quality, dirty tanks, gains entry throw cuts and wound.
Daily water changes and just add the correct amount of medication back to water removed.
Increase aeration as medications reduce 02 in the water.
Have you added the swim bladder treatment as I would give the internal bacteria medication a try..
Hope the fish pulls throw but to be honest it's not sounding to hopeful.
The fact that you're here posting and from what you've already done sounds like you are doing your best.
With regards to swim bladder, from what I read, not all the symptoms have to be apparent for a correct diagnosis. The blood is a little worrying though, as that sounds a little more serious.
If the instructions on the meds say 'don't mix with other meds'.... If they don't then it should be ok to do so. Maybe someone here can qualify that.
I agree you shouldn't mix meds.
Fish can show swim bladder symptoms when there dying also. They will have difficulty staying up
right, turning upside down, unable to get off the bottom of the tank. Resting to one side for long periods of time.
Good Luck.
I'll move away from the salt for a while, as I think the main thing here is to create a level of consistence and balance to avoid fish being constantly introduced to new conditions. The bubbler is an over capacity air bubbler, in the sense its rated for 200Litres and my tank is 125.  This alongside the duck beak from the external canister I'd have thought will be good source of oxygen (there are a lot of bubbles to the water) - if not, then please chime away. 
I did actually add swim bladder before the internal bacteria treatment, as upon first signs there were no blood issues but instead random floating. I initially suspected swim bladder and that treatment I had available (late evening, shops were closed). But a water change has been done since then, and only internal bacteria stuff is being used at present. I'll give it a few more days to do its job. (I'll look into the issue)
I appreciate that it doesn't look hopeful, but if anything the fish has given it a good fight thus far considering the symptoms. I'll continue to monitor (it'll be day 4 tomorrow), so will see how its getting on. Hopefully the others won't show signs of catching it. 
Fingers crossed.
Good Luck.
Unfortunately the fish was dead as of the morning. A little annoyed that I couldn't solve the problem, the way in which it all came about was a surprise in itself. Now I unfortunately have a very empty / less lively tank.. 
I'll continue to monitor my other fish over the next few days to week - hopefully no ill side affects have been caused.
(I'm aware the ammonia can rise as a result of the fish's death)
Regardless of the above, thank you all for the help / suggestions I'll be sure to stick around anyhow. 
Sorry for your loss. R.I.P.
Not nice when you lose a fish so I do know how you feel.

Maybe a few water changes.
If anymore problems don't hesitate to ;post back.

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