Angel Fish Growth


Fish Herder
Aug 29, 2006
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I have an angel fish that is the size of a half dollar. How long will it take for him to reach his full size?
I bought my angels about two years ago, they were the size of a quarter. Now, they are 7 inches :p
i dont think thats how you measure the size of the angels, not by height at least. 7" for a length is way too big. angels dont get to that length.
i dont think thats how you measure the size of the angels, not by height at least. 7" for a length is way too big. angels dont get to that length.
The one I got a year ago is 5" not including his fins which are 2" and tha is length
I added the fins to that because they move around too much to get a good body size. I used my hand because they come really close to the glass because they think I'm going to give food. Then I measured my hand on their total size. So I guess you can say my angels are 4ish" body and the rest fin. Maybe I measured wrong the first time but they took two years to reach full size.
Growth depends on numerous factors: diet, temperature, water quality, genetics etc.

Though angels do seem to grow very fast, I bought two around a month and half ago at less than an inch, now they are over 2 inches. I would expect them to be full grown at a year and a half with good care.

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