Angel Fish Current and Fin Split


New Member
Apr 13, 2023
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Hello All, am new here..

I have noticed lately that like 3 of my angelfish fins are split, i read online for the reasons, but i am not sure which one is happening in my aquarium, my water parameters are good, fish are eating and moving normally, my concern is about 2 things, either the blue electric acara is targeting my angels, because i have seen them attacking a certain veiltail angelfish, or my current/waterflow is a bit too much for the aquarium.

My aquarium is 115cm*55cm*55cm, with an Eheim 5E 450 Canister filter, running now at 780l/h inflow and outflow, with a spray bar targeted to the surface.

My question is, is this happening because of the blue electric acara and they are being noisy because of their continuous movements to my angels, or is that because of my current? Note that if i reduce the inflow and outflow i will sacrifice my aquariums filteration.

I will attach some videos for the current and fish movements.

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Honestly, I would never keep an acara with angels. You can see them attacking in the video, and the filter flow is the only reason your angels aren't dead. As the acara grow, they'll get faster and stronger and find it easier to catch the angels. The acaras will soon be your only fish.

Angels are often kept in slow water, but if you go onlinbe and look up video taken in the wild, the water is often fairly fast. Then again, wild angels are not handicapped by extra large fins.
Honestly, I would never keep an acara with angels. You can see them attacking in the video, and the filter flow is the only reason your angels aren't dead. As the acara grow, they'll get faster and stronger and find it easier to catch the angels. The acaras will soon be your only fish.

Angels are often kept in slow water, but if you go onlinbe and look up video taken in the wild, the water is often fairly fast. Then again, wild angels are not handicapped by extra large fins.
Well thank you Gary, i saw that they live together online and wanted to try as i like the Acaras, anyways am moving them tomorrow and bringing new schooling fishies for the tank.
I like Acaras. In the wild, in massive volumes of water, they meet up with angels. In tanks, crowded by the glass, the relationship is different. Acaras are the heavier, stronger fish.

I wish we could train them, but they have their own ideas, often involving murder.
I too think it is due to the acara, not to the flow. However, angels do prefer less flow than shown. And since you have some long finned angels, which are somewhat compromised to begin with, the effect of flow is greater for those.
I like Acaras. In the wild, in massive volumes of water, they meet up with angels. In tanks, crowded by the glass, the relationship is different. Acaras are the heavier, stronger fish.

I wish we could train them, but they have their own ideas, often involving murder.
What i have seen from them is totally different than what i have seen on hobbyists Youtube videos :-(
I too think it is due to the acara, not to the flow. However, angels do prefer less flow than shown. And since you have some long finned angels, which are somewhat compromised to begin with, the effect of flow is greater for those.
I just sold them to a friend, so no more Acaras for me, i will add new plants in the back to disperse the flow more

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