Angel Fish Bothering New Angel


Fish Fanatic
May 5, 2010
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Well, I just recently, today, bought myself a giant marbled angel fish. Now, it appears very healthy and is about 5 inches tall, but what is weird, is that my black angel fish, is attacking its rear end. No, not its tail, the anal orifice. Is there any particular reason it would be doing this?

It is a 55 gallon with 4 other angels, 3 gouramis, 3 hatches, 3 koolies and a hinese algae eater.

I had the same problem 2 weeks ago. This was the situation.

I've had a bigger silver angel in my 24 gallon for 2 years now. So I brought another smaller black veil angel about 2 weeks ago. I released it into the tank and I saw that my bigger angel attacked the newer smaller one repeatedly. I put the smaller angel in a big net in the aquarium and left it there 2-3 days so my bigger angel could get accustomed to it. I then released it back into the aquarium and the bullying stopped.

Basically its a case of a new angel coming in an existing angel's territory. Also make sure they arnt both males because then they would fight explaining this. You can't really tell what gender angels are when they are still small so that will be hard. Try what I did and see if it works and reduces aggresiveness over time. If not you're going to have to separate one of the angels

Good luck.
it sounds like they could be a pair and the other one's trying to attract it's attention
it sounds like they could be a pair and the other one's trying to attract it's attention

That's what I had thought, but the smaller black angel was being very aggressive and persistent. The larger(I mean like 5 times larger) angel started bleeding from its orifice. When that started happening I immediately brought the smaller black angel to my 20 gallon I have downstairs. He seems pretty content, hes now the second largest fish and the 1st slowest, so he shouldn't have any problems. The 20 gallon tank has 3 cardinals, 2 skirts, a zebra danio, and a fancy guppy, along with the largest algae eater I have ever seen. Right now all I have is cellphone pictures, but that should suffice.

Sorry it ain't the greatest, but it does what needs to be done.



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If they are pairing they will chase, lip lock, and the occasional hiding, but at times will be OK near each other. With territorial aggression the less aggressive fish will do a lot of hiding, the other will not let it come near, with angels a sure sign is the less aggressive fish hiding near something at the surface, horizontal rather than vertical.

Put the beat up angel in a separate smaller tank, 50% water changes daily for the first week, every other day for the second week. Nothing I've found heals injured fish better than clean water.
Well, that's what I thought, I thought the large angel would just get tired of it and let the other angel know whats up, but it just sits there and lets it pick at it. At first I was wondering if like, the larger angel was stopped up or something and, I know it sounds funny, but asked the black angel to try and get whatever is stuck, unstuck. I've never heard of this, but only the black angel was attacking, so I have no idea. Thanks for all help.

At the moment I have an issue with 1 rogue pearlscale Angelfish and a smaller stripped angel who both are large-medium sized they are chasing the other fish in the tank including 2 smaller angels, mollies ,swordtails and a panchax, but will not even attempt to mess with the bala shark, bristlenose catfish, bumblebee goby or corydoras.

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