Angel Fish And Their Enemies


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
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hi, i am planning on buying some angel fish for my 40L tropical tank and i need to know if there are any fish that it wont go with. for example a red eye tetra and an angel fish in a tank good or bad idea.

ps. is a 40L big enough for atleast 2 angel fish

total amount of fish atm 12

Your tank is far far far too small for a single Angel let alone a pair.

Angel Fish have a very tall body, So the tank needs to be at least 20" from substrate to surface & at least 36" long to allow them to turn around.

I have a single Angel in a 180 litre & that tank is too small, I am upgrading to a 400 litre in the near future when I can get my #14### in gear to install it.

Unfortunatly when you look at the baby angels in a fish shop they are exactly that, babies. They will get big.

as above, an angel is not a good choice for your tank.

if you let us know what else is in there maybe we can advise an alternative?

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