Angel Fin Rot


Fish Fanatic
Mar 28, 2003
Reaction score
Pittsburg, Pennsylvania
I purchased an angel over a week ago. It was the best one the lfs had but was in with ill fish. Its in a hospital tank. I have been adding kanacyn every day for a week, but the fish's swimming fins (forgot the name of them...... :shifty: me bad) have been deteriorating still. I also have given it an antibiotic food with erythromycn. (sp) It shares the tank with 3 guppies (one of which has no tail as it was bitten off by another angel when it got stuck) that have been in there to keep up with the bio cycle of the tank. All perimeters of the tank are stable.

It makes it hard for him to get around the small tank for food even tho it is eating. His other fins are just perfect and its a gold veil. Do you think it might survive this disaster??? :( . He needs these fins to get around and have a good chance on life in the larger tank. How long do you think it might take to see them grow back as I have had others and saw improvements in days, but not with these set of fins as they are used the most????
i dont like melafix put some people uses it alot mabey try some of that to see if they will grow back faster( poor fish)

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