Angel Fin Rot


New Member
Jun 25, 2007
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A few days ago my gourami went after my angelfish. His fins are very frayed as a result. I am very concerned about it developing into fin rot/ already being fin rot. It has not seemed to get any better nor any worse, and he's not eating as well as usual. However, I do not have access to a hospital tank. Should I treat it in the main tank? Should I hope it just gets better? What I have in the tank is listed in my signature.
The fish won't recover as fast ifs it stressed, you will have to issolate them or rehome the gourami.How much of the fins have gone, any white edging.I can see why you are having problems that tanks massively overstocked, that why they are having ago at one another.Koi shouldn't be in a tank should be in a pond unless you have a 200 gallon tank.I would rehome some of the fish , and get them koi to a pond fast.
Sorry read your sig wrong thought you meant at frist you had koi in the tank, sorry.
Yes, a Koi angelfish. He's a beauty, his fins are impressively long. My little black guy is beautiful too, when his fins are ok. I like to imagine he's a batfish (since he's such a dark black) because I know I'll probably never have one.

I removed the trouble Gourami the day it happened, my LFS did take him back. There is some white edging on the fins. I've not had any problems with aggression before the gold gourami, all the fish get along great, they all just stick to their little groups. I've not even seen the tiger barbs so much as look at the angelfish (I know they can be fin nippers.) So I know the aggression is gone. I will look at it tonight and see if his fins look any worse.

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