Angel Eggs


New Member
Sep 11, 2005
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Hertfordshire, England

I'd like some advice from fish keepers experienced with keeping angels. I've got three angel fish in my community tank. I've come home from work to find a pair of them have laid eggs on a leaf of my amazon sword plant. I wondered what is the best way of hatching them. Trouble is, I've only got a community tank and I'm worried the fry will get munched if I leave nature to run its course. I've got a 90 gallon tank which has been running for over a year, well planted with rocks and bogwood. In the tank I have:

3 angels
2 female bettas
4 mollies
6 cardinal tetras
3 diamond tetras
6 zebra danios

We've raised fry from livebearers before but never from eggs. I do have a breeding box thing and wondered about putting the leaf with the eggs in there. Any advice would be gratefully appreciated. :blush:
Take the leaf out an dput it in the breeder. Then buy some metheleyne blue and add to the tank so that they dont get fungus on them. After they hatch, let leave them alone until they can swim, then feed the babies bbs( frozen or live) they have to be Baby brine shrimp, not adult. Then a week later feed them a liqiud diet that is avalible at petsmart call Wardleys liqiud fry food. Then a week later feed them finley crushed flake antil they are big enough to leave the breeder.
I have had a pair of Angelfish for over a year now. In the last month they have laid 2 batches of eggs all over the filter. And then promptly eaten them all within 24 hours !!!

Personally in a community tank i would just let them get on with it, they will eat the eggs eventually but unless you want the expense of more tanks don't worry. It might be an idea to get rid of the angel that is now on it's own as the pair will tend to pick on it especially if it is another male. I have discus spawning and love to see them laying and fertilizing eggs but i have no intention of breeding them.
I have had a pair of Angelfish for over a year now. In the last month they have laid 2 batches of eggs all over the filter. And then promptly eaten them all within 24 hours !!!


I've had the same experience with my pair. They lay eggs every few weeks and they get eaten within a day. After reading the pinned article by Tolak, I'm not going to bother trying to raise them. Too much work and time involved.
The lady who lives behing me used to have over 20 aquariums! She said that angels were easy to breed! She said that all you have to do is seperate and put them in a 55 and leave them alone( except for wc) and she showed me pics of her babie angels. She never got all the tanks for the abgels, she just had other fish and had three tanks for the angels.Unfourtunatley , I think it was 1990( wasnt born yet) her house caought fire and all her fish died and her birds( parkeets, macaaws, parrots) and her rabbits and other animals died. Now she inly have the remains of her fish tanks. The strange thing is that she didnt know that angels were cichlids! She hates cichlids becasue they are too aggressive.

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