Angel Died


Feb 21, 2003
Reaction score
Miserable Wells, Texas
:-( My setup was going so well.....I have a 55 gal with 6 angels dime to nickel size, and an albino cory cat.
I got the smaller 3 , two weeks ago and the larger 3 three weeks ago.

They were doing great.....I turn on my light today, and on of my small ones is floating at the bottom barely moving.

I have raised angels before, and I never lost one like this.

is it possible I am putting to much food in per feeding and he overate?
I feed bloodworms 2x's a day, and flakes 2x's a day.

Before I went to bed last night I put some bloodworms in and it was a bigger hunk than I usually put in...this is the only thing I can think of....

Any ideas??

Am I going to lose my other angels, what should I do??
my temp is at abou 80F but I am turning it up a bit.
Trish :-(
this morning I get up and turn the light on....and 2 more angels are acting like the one did dime size and my favorite veil tail.other 3 are waiting by the feeding cone.
Not being over fed....I cut the feeding back yesterday.
I was planning on placing an order for DD Angels next week, so I could start raising breeders.....but there is no sense in dropping a couple hundred now.

I guess I may not have let my tank set up long enough before putting angels was only up a week before I put my first 3 in...

Should I do a water change, if so how much?

I did a 10 gal water change 2-3 days ago.

any help would be great,
Do you have water quality test kits?If so what are the readings?If not go out and get some,water changes can't hurt so do one anyway,about 10g sounds alright.
Hi MP, sorry to hear about your fish :(

but am I right in thinking your tank has only been set up 4 weeks?

if so I doubt it has cycled yet and your fish probably suffering acute ammonia or nitrite poisening.

read this on cycling HERE

Cut right back on the feeding to lessen the load on the biological filter.

You really need to get the water tested especially ammonia and nitrate so we can work out whats going on......

I don't believe it, but my angels perked back up and are doing fine...just got through eating.

I am going to call a friend and have her come test my water for me later.

Last week my tank was cloudy....kinda looked like I had added a little milk to it....but that is what it was supposed to do right?
It is clear as a bell now....

and yes I have had it about a month.
Ok...this is crazy..............

one of my angels is turning flips and floating on its side, and not eating.....wait he's back to normal and eating now

Do I just have some acrobatic angels or what? :fun:

I checked my amonia level today, and it was is at 7.0
I couldn't find a nitrate kit.

This angel seems to have a larger tummy....the angel that died looked the same....what is up with that?

my angels do flips also and he is doing fine im hoping its a special talent

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