Angel Cloudy Eye


New Member
Aug 11, 2006
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I have two beautiful breeding Pearlscale Angels for 6 months in their own 29g tank. two corys and a plec) The first two three times they have raise the wigglers to swimmers. She has had another :wub: in they the past.....a very aggresive Marble Angle
Breeding pairs of angels sometimes get along perfectly well, sometimes thet constantly fight & can't be together except while actively spawning. Most fall somewhere in between, there could have been a little scufle that led to an injury. I would divide them for now, and do 25% water changes daily. Adding some melafix can't hurt, watch for any redness that would indicate an infection. If redness occurs, antibiotics are needed.
Thanks :D . Her eye is finally clearing. It's been about 4 days adding Mela and Pimafix. I knew Angels were cichlids, but never realized how mean they could be to each other. When she was with the Marble, together they killed everything in the tank. Even the corys. Now that I'm thinking... maybe it was all her doing. She is a meanie.

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