Angel Catfish?


Dec 4, 2006
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Huntingdon, Cambs
I went to one of my lfs on saturday and in one of the tanks they had something called an angel catfish, they were priced at £40.00 each, just wondered if anyone knew anything about them? They were black with white spots if that helps.
wouldn't know on price, just all i could think of with angel in the name (sort of)
I'm really not sure, it looked like both, I'll have to go back and sneakly get a pic, it's probably the plec but they think it's the synodontis or vice versa, I'm guessing either way it's overpriced? Whichever they are they are stunning!
if it has barbels its a syno no barbels its a pleco, they aren't really that similar.

can't comment on syno pricing but they had a group of L028 in a LFS local to me that is expensive and they were £28 each
if it has barbels its a syno no barbels its a pleco, they aren't really that similar.

can't comment on syno pricing but they had a group of L028 in a LFS local to me that is expensive and they were £28 each

I'm pretty sure they had barbels, I'll check next time I go in and get a pic if I can, thanks everyone :)
there is another here labeled Angelicas catfish, cant remember the scientific name but it looks like a mixture of both cats shown in the pics, nice price over $300. hang on i will have a look in one of my fish books i think it might have the scientific name in there.
ok it was a Synodontis catfish, just the one i had seen and the one in the pic in the book is darker in colour than the other one. in the book it says it is commonly known as Angel catfish, Angel synodontis or polka dot synodontis, grows up to 7in, can be territorial towards its own species, especially in confined spaces, dark chocolate brown colouring ( tho the one in the pic is black brown) with numerous cream coloured spots. hope this helps. Vamp.

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