Angel Breeders...


May 3, 2007
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Columbia, MO
Hey everyone,

So I have spawned (and still do) many angelfish with a lot of different pairs, I have always artificially hatched the eggs. However, I have a pair that I beleive would be good parents as in not eating the spawn etc. I have missed them laying their eggs before and they have yet to eat eggs before I pull them.

Long story short, had this pair lay again today and I want to see if they will self raise.

I am wondering if they in fact due raise the fry without problems, at what age do you all that parent raise your fry pull out the fry from the parents?

My thinking is after a week or two but thats just a guess, and I have never parent raised so would like advice from anyone who has succesfully parent raised. Thanks :good:

Tolak breeds angels on a large scale, I'm sure he could advise you when to take the fry away from the parents. :good:
Tolak breeds angels on a large scale, I'm sure he could advise you when to take the fry away from the parents. :good:
Now if only we could find him :shifty: I know hes a fan of artificially hatching but Im sure he has parent raised before.

Go find him Cheesy :ninja:

Maybe he could send me some free angels that have parent raised before, you know, to help me out :p

my pair have tried in vein to raise there fry last time was 9days before my keyhole had a yummy dinner......both mum and dad fanned eggs 1 was always with eggs,then eggs hatching mum n dad both chewing eggs and placing them on top of a leaf,then taking care of fry and chewing/cleaning,every time the fry falls they collect i clean it and replace it...its amazing to watch,dad was the chase awayer...but kyhole succeded in eating all fry at lights out :crazy:
my pair have tried in vein to raise there fry last time was 9days before my keyhole had a yummy dinner......both mum and dad fanned eggs 1 was always with eggs,then eggs hatching mum n dad both chewing eggs and placing them on top of a leaf,then taking care of fry and chewing/cleaning,every time the fry falls they collect i clean it and replace it...its amazing to watch,dad was the chase awayer...but kyhole succeded in eating all fry at lights out :crazy:
too bad about your being eaten.

Mine are always isolated so no worries there.

The best indicator is the parents. If they start to look "tubey", or start cleaning a spawning area, it's time to get the youngsters out of there. Once they spawn often, but not always, the swimmers will be seen as a threat to the eggs, and start to get picked off.

I'm going to a buddy's place this afternoon, another angel breeder, who is known for getting his pairs to parent raise. I'll ask him a few questions, as this is his area of expertise.
The best indicator is the parents. If they start to look "tubey", or start cleaning a spawning area, it's time to get the youngsters out of there. Once they spawn often, but not always, the swimmers will be seen as a threat to the eggs, and start to get picked off.

I'm going to a buddy's place this afternoon, another angel breeder, who is known for getting his pairs to parent raise. I'll ask him a few questions, as this is his area of expertise.
Thanks Tolak, I was thinking along similar lines. They are now wrigglers obviously and still seem to be demonstrating good parent behavior, moving the wrigglers from spot to spot.

I look forward to seeing what your buddy says, thanks for the reply.

Boy, I wish I were retired & had time to work the fish like this guy does. He honestly puts out the nicest fish I have seen in person. He specializes in gold marbles, has for many years.

Anyhow, he keeps them in until they are between pea & dime size, depending on how soon he wants the pair to spawn again. They rarely spawn with swimmers in the tank, but if they look like they are going to, he pulls the fry. The breeders are in tanks in the most quiet area of his fishroom, no sudden movements or getting too near when they are raising fry.
Boy, I wish I were retired & had time to work the fish like this guy does. He honestly puts out the nicest fish I have seen in person. He specializes in gold marbles, has for many years.

Anyhow, he keeps them in until they are between pea & dime size, depending on how soon he wants the pair to spawn again. They rarely spawn with swimmers in the tank, but if they look like they are going to, he pulls the fry. The breeders are in tanks in the most quiet area of his fishroom, no sudden movements or getting too near when they are raising fry.
Sounds like a plan. Tank isnt in an area with high traffic so should be ok. Thanks so much for your help Tolak, I'll let you know how it goes. :good:

On a side note, I would love to see pics of these gorgeous gold marbles.

One expenditure budgeted for the club this year is a digital camera. Pictoral tours of member's fishrooms are planned, and will probably be posted on the club's website, which is being redone. We're finally getting a younger crew in as officers & board, who are more technology oriented than most of the old timers. His fish & fishroom will be a part of that, along with many others.
One expenditure budgeted for the club this year is a digital camera. Pictoral tours of member's fishrooms are planned, and will probably be posted on the club's website, which is being redone. We're finally getting a younger crew in as officers & board, who are more technology oriented than most of the old timers. His fish & fishroom will be a part of that, along with many others.
Well just registered to this forum and thought I'd start giving some input. I have raised angelfish for over 30 years. I know have a small Breeding facility and sell most of my fish thru my website. Most of my fish I raise by pulling the eggs, but as I run out of room or I want the breeders to slow down a little I will let them try parent raising. I have about 5 pairs that are very good parents. As far as how long you can keep them with the parents...... It really depends on the size of the tank and the size of the spawn. A good rule of thumb is an average spawn in a 29 gallon tank can usually be kept with the parents for almost a month. You will have to watch them closely because they will nip at the parents and tear the fins to shreads if you keep them in too long. I've never had this for the first 3 weeks but starting close to a month you can see them eating the slime off the parents.
One expenditure budgeted for the club this year is a digital camera. Pictoral tours of member's fishrooms are planned, and will probably be posted on the club's website, which is being redone. We're finally getting a younger crew in as officers & board, who are more technology oriented than most of the old timers. His fish & fishroom will be a part of that, along with many others.
Well just registered to this forum and thought I'd start giving some input. I have raised angelfish for over 30 years. I know have a small Breeding facility and sell most of my fish thru my website. Most of my fish I raise by pulling the eggs, but as I run out of room or I want the breeders to slow down a little I will let them try parent raising. I have about 5 pairs that are very good parents. As far as how long you can keep them with the parents...... It really depends on the size of the tank and the size of the spawn. A good rule of thumb is an average spawn in a 29 gallon tank can usually be kept with the parents for almost a month. You will have to watch them closely because they will nip at the parents and tear the fins to shreads if you keep them in too long. I've never had this for the first 3 weeks but starting close to a month you can see them eating the slime off the parents.
Hi Dave,
Welcome to the forum and nice to meet another breeder. They are actually in a 29 gallon, im tempted to pull them when they become free swimming, as it is a very decent sized spawn and a great pair, but I really want to give them a shot at parent raising. Thanks for your advice, I'll be using it and keeping a close eye on everything.

Ill keep this thread updated.

Just leave the freeswimmers with the parents for at least a couple of weeks. You'll be surprised how fast they grow and you'll probably have almost no deformed fry! The parents take care of that on their own. Whenever I leave a spawn with the parents the seem to grow much faster! PLUS it is a sight to see! Everyone will be amazed. But if you want to pull the freeswimmers it might be alot easier to pull the parents. I have a hard enough time trying to catch peasize from the breeders tank... You'll wish you never started LOL

Good Luck

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