Anenomie Bloom


New Member
Mar 15, 2006
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My reef tank has been running for about 3 years, its 4' x 20" deep by 2' high with about 35% of the volume taken by living rock. it has under gravel filters powered by 2 power heads and a 2' wet/dry trickle filter with a mix of plastic and living rock.

over the last few months there has been a steady increase in these small brown anenomies to the point that they now completely cover the rocks and some of the corral sand. every time i have a clean out and disturb them they multiply again!

is there a way of eliminating them (or something that eats them) as they have boxed in my boxer shrimp and he cannot get away as they sting and grab his tentacles which he does not appreciate!!


You have an invasion of Aptasia Anenomies

Research on the internet and you'll find various remedies and predators that can be used.

Good luck trying to iradicate them :crazy:

(It's maybe worth checking up on Mojanoes too as they are usually hand in hand)
What type of ananome is it? The most common pest anenomes are AIptasia and Majano. If its aiptasia then there are methods to try but if its majano then you have your work cut out as there is no real tank safe predator for them.

There is a pinned topic on pest anenomes on our TFF marine forum.
Many thanks for your speedy replies!! Google here i come :*
Joes Juice, Aiptaway, Antiaip are all excellant products that will destroy aip and majano. If the numbers are high however you need to monitor your PH. Vinagar also works well but again watch your PH. If you kill many in one go or even a couple of days then give the tank some breathing space to deal with the higher decay levels in the water. This is the problem i face.. I kill a good number and stop to let the tank recover but they produce so fast im simply no further forward.

Peppermint shrimps will eat aiptasia (be careful they dont become boxing shrimp lunch)
Copperband will also (but not recomended)
Berghia Nudis will eat aiptasia (but are like goldust)

Some pomocanthus angels are known to browse on majano.
Do you have any corals? If not, a copperbanded butterfly might be a good option to try. Navarre excersizes caution when reccomending them because they will nip at corals and other anemones as well, but if you have a fish only tank, it might be worth a shot at "natural" means. From what I understand, Berghia Nudibranches are the best natural predator, but are so rare in the UK to be able to purchase.
Actaully the reason im cautious with copperbands is more because of their extremly poor track record of long term survivability. These fish are very difficult to acclimatise to a home tank and even the ones that feed heathily are known to suddenly just keel over and die without warning. There are sucess stories i grant you but htey are few and far between.

They are failry safe with other invests IME but your tube worms and fan worms will be eaten at the first opportunity.
how big and what fish are in your tank. in my tank i have a neon pseudochromis(my clown got sucked into my filter and died and got him in place). anyway i had few apistas in my tank and they "disappeared" the day after i added the neon pseudochromis so i figured he ate them(along with the several baby feather dusters i had)
mmm lemon juce appears to be worth a go (in small doses)

i have

Gohst goby (to keep the floor clean) 3"
Spotted box fish 2.5"
Hovercraft box fish 2.5" (and growing fast!)
1 Mandarin 2"
3 Humbugs 1/2"
2 Clowns 1.5"
1 Boxer Shrimp 3"
1 Blue star fish 3"
1 Hermit 1"
5 Snails (medium)
1 white anenomie (with mouve tips) for the clowns

i have no corral, just pollops and seaweed etc

will a copperband eat my white anenomie? if so i can isolate it i suppose

Thanks for the help

Copperands just like Moorish Idols :wub: are beautiful fish but unfortunatly just not suitable from Home Aquariums
i just tried to attach a photo but it did not work, any ideas?

(i will try again here)

did not work :(
i just tried to attach a photo but it did not work, any ideas?

(i will try again here)

did not work :(

Too big no dought. Shrink it using the Stretch/Skew function in MSPaint, or upload your picture at a host site like Then place the html code in a post! ;)

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