Anenome V Cleaner Shrimp


Fish Aficionado
Sep 3, 2006
Reaction score
Sheffield, England
This guy is so close to getting sumped! he keeps annoying my nem so much the nem shrivles up into its hole. I actually saw it pull something out of the nems mouth the other day too.

anyone elses cleaner shrimp a PITA with their nem?
not with a nem but with my fungia, the little b*****s will pull food out even when the fungia has 'swallowed' it.
handy to have but a real PITA when trying to feed LPS!
My Fire shrimp is trying to uproot my turbos from the rocks in order to turn them over and eat them. He is also after feeding crawling all over my leather to get the bits of food dropped there.
My Peppermint shrimp and Dancing Shrimp both try steeling food from the nem while I feed it. Once it's swallowed it though, I think the nem wins, as I've never seen them pull the food out once swallowed... :unsure:

All the best
And the years of experience are starting to show you guys that cleaner shrimp aren't all kind and rosy :). Lots of people who have kept them for long periods of time develop similar complaints. They're really good scavengers, but can also be really annoying. Remember, they don't care how pretty that anemone looks, they just want their food...
mine just likes to pi** mine off buy just walking over it
I had two cleaner shrimps that always hung around my carpet anemone, at fisrst i thought it was some type of relationship but then worked out they knew where the meaty food was going. I think they pi**ed the carpet off one to many times though and in the end got gobbled up, the carpet has always been partial to a bit of shrimp :good:

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