

Fish Aficionado
Oct 4, 2007
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What lighting is required to keep coldwater anemones as in ones you would catch in rockpools??
As i remember seeing them at macduff aquarium centre and they had a room with like small little pools for people to touch the anemones in etc and they were kept in there. and that was just lit by the normal room lights no other lighting above them or anything and they were healthy
Low lighting for snakelock anemone and beadlet anemones, both found in English waters.

My understanding is they're almost impossible to kill!!
According to this site they need high light as they are in shallow water in the nature. Apparently they can also be found in the Med,


They also like 'cheesy wotsits' as i used to feed them in the rock pools in devon when I was a nipper! :lol:
I think that's high lighting for british marine life.. Which in terms of what most of us do on here - is completely different!!

As far as I'm aware t8's would be fine for both! :good: my nan used to keep them with less!! Lol.
They also like 'cheesy wotsits' as i used to feed them in the rock pools in devon when I was a nipper!

Something strange and new to learn every day.
I have an 18w in my cold aquarium which is less than 1WPG and they seem fine, growing really fast actually.
Word of warning - they are near on impossible to get rid of once in! Wouldn't recommend adding them to a tropical marine tank (for this reason! They would survive)
They pack a powerful sting too!!

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