

Fish Crazy
Jun 4, 2005
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hi i have four clownfish and i would love to get them an anemone. Would it be okay to get one big one for all four of them, or will they get territorial? What can i do so that they all have a chance in an anemone?

Also, will anemones kill my other fish, such as seahorses, shrimps, and tangs?
what size tank and what type of clowns, they wont always accept the anemone you give them.....
anenomes need high lighting, good flow, and a well matured tank 6months-a year

also i wouldnt put seahorses in with tangs or clownfish its best for them to be in a species only, they get stung by corals as well.
Shibby what are your thoughts on snakelock anenomes? I've seen both yellow and blue ones for sale. I think they are collected from shores around the UK coastline.
check this out for info on anemones and seriously dont buy one till you know lots and then learn more before you buy one!

Karen Roses Anemone's

please dont rush into it!

My tanks a few years old, but I purchased it a few months ago, so its well established. I was just a bit wary of sticking somethign that grows off the shores of the UK into my tank :huh: lol.
thanks for the info, but i only want to know the answer to one question...

Will the anemones kill the other fish in the tank other than clownfish?
They can do, but usually other fish are smart enough to stay away from them. Its not impossible for it to happen but, it is unlikely.
also, some anemones are more aggressive than others, so what anemone do you plan on?
They can do, but usually other fish are smart enough to stay away from them. Its not impossible for it to happen but, it is unlikely.

Yeah, really depends on the anemone and if the clowns happen to host it. Anemones like Sebae, S. Gigantea and H. Malu (among others) are exceptionally aggressive anemones and WILL predate on live fish in the aquarium. The only way they will not do so is if the clownfish do decide to host an aggressive anemone. If clowns do host the nem, they will aggressively keep other fish away from it, therefore the fish rarely get close enough to be eaten.

Now that I've answered your question, PLEASE read the anemone guide atop this section and really understand how difficult it is to keep anemones. These creatures are NOT easy to care for, nor do clowns need them to survive or be healthy. There are perfectly acceptable corals that you can use as alternatives to anemones that are MUCH easier to keep. If you still fancy the challenge, at least provide the type of high light, high flow, and clean/mature tank for it to live in properly.
also, a problem that you will need to find a way to fix, anemones need high flow, high flow sometimes means more powerheads, powerheads may mean anemone getting sucked in, anemone getting sucked in may mean death. You will need to protect your powerheads and/or need to find a different way for flow.
i have two filters in my tank and there is a HUGE water flow in my tank...

Also, i have common clownfish, so what is a cool anemone to keep with common clowns that isnt aggressive?
snakelocks are easy apparently and can live in nanos! i think adam crouch had them im sure i saw them in his thread...

bubbletips are cool or condys there kinda the easier anenomes to keep i beleive, im sure percula clowns host both. well depends on the clownfish i guess but both percula normal and black and whites, also clarkii host the bubbletips at work. you can get red or green im sure theres others but ive only seen red and green bubbletips avaliable.
Actually there's pretty much only red and green morphs of Entamacia quadricolor (bulb tip nem) and mixes of the two. Some appear slightly maroon/purple under actinics. Bulb tips are some of the easier ones to get to grow in captivity but that by no means makes them easy to care for, only in relation to their counterparts with dismal success rates in aquaria.

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