Anemones For £1 !


Mar 21, 2009
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surrey uk
i have found these anemones on ebay for £1 and i have bought just one of them as a tester for my reef tank, i was wondering are they any good? are they found in cold water? will it harm my corals?
Are they the ones that the seller sells them in loads of colours? I think i know what ones you are talking about.

Is this your first reef tank?
i heard that these are cold water and most normally die. like i sad ive heard this so it might not be true.

again assuming these are the ebay ones. personally i wouldnt bother
it is my first reef tank but i wouldnt call my self a begginer, i keep sps lps and softies and have now got another tank to move on to. cross your fingers guys im gonna try
if i were you, i would avoid these at all costs!
they are cold water nems from british waters.
i know, i had some with a setup that i bought, they wont directly harm your corals BUT what they will do is rot away, in usually very hard to get to places, mess up your water and cause you the biggest ever amount of grief possible! ( i know that too)
i had to strip the tank down to get them all out ( wasn`t pleasant)
so unless you are indeed keeping a cold water setup, then for your sake avoid them!

there beadlet anemones and will die

the one you have brought will die as it is meant for uk waters and tropical temperatures wont work

id suggest you email him and say you dont want it as it would be your best bet

sory to be so blunt but it will save you alot of grief
i totally agree guys i have emailed the guy to cancel the order. Thanks, you have saved me alot of potential trouble x

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