

Fish Gatherer
Aug 31, 2007
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Hi guys, I am wondering what type of lighting an anemone will need. i have a basic tank with light. 30gal with 2 clownfish. will i need to leave the light on alway? also what other small fish can be placed in the aquarium i would like maybe 2 more no gobies and such tho. Thanks!
i have two powerheads 400gph, tank has beenruning for almost 6 months now or so. my light is a basic one, like the image below.

then sorry you cant keep an anenome.

Anenomes can get sucked in and killed by powerheads. Bubble tip anenomes are one of the less light demanding nems and they still need a few T5's with individual reflectors.

If your serious about keeping one, look into ways that you can nem proof those pumps and research a lighting upgrade.
okay thank you. what other fish can i add to this tank, something that doesn't dig is prefered, and i don't want gobies or shrimps.
do the gobies (mandarinfish) need alot of spaces to hide and dig? i may get one or two if not, also do they come to the surface to eat?
mandarins are dragonettes, not really suited to your tank either unfortunatly. Gobies however would be fine
do forketail blennies and fire gobies come to the surface to grab flakes? i wanted something that will do that.
okay so i think i want a forktail blennie and i'll only get 1 i guess. do these do well with just flakefoods, like do they come to the surface? i can't find any info about that and i guess theyd on't dig or anything.
did you know it is venomous and has a nasty bite?
not really LOL, how about fire gobies, do they come to the surface for food?

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