I am just making sure ,but it doesnt harm an anemone if i feed him everyday. I feed him 1 small silverside cut it up feed it to him. He's in a 175g tank. rose BTA he is a pretty large size.
i know nothing about these but seems as no 1 answered i had a read up on them and here is what i found...
Feeding your anemone
Feeding can range from 3 times a week to once every 2 weeks. Some aquarists have had success not directly feeding their anemones at all, although I suspect their anemones are capturing food that is meant for the fish. Food usually consists of a piece of raw shrimp about the size of the anemone's mouth. Lance fish, silversides, clams, scallops and other frozen marine organisms can also be used, but I find them more messy. A large bag of peeled and deveined shrimp can be obtained from one of the local discount supermarkets and may last many, many months and has the added advantage of being fit for human consumption.
Liquid foods and Target foods may actually be harmful to your anemones directly (several aquarists stated that their anemones started to die as soon as they began to use liquid target foods) and indirectly though degradation of your water quality. The jury is still out on vitamins. I could not find any common thread in my data that would point towards them being helpful or harmful. My suggestion would be to use them sparingly, or not at all.