Anemone - Pump Guard


I used to be indecisive but now I'm not so sure!
Apr 24, 2005
Reaction score
near Hockley, Essex UK
Mesh from a garden centre, it's used to shade your greenhouse or something.
There are six lengths of airline tubing in the corners that act as spacers.
It's all "sewn" together with fishing line.

Idea and pictures curtesy of: Alanswg on UR



Seffie x

I have a great idea seffie, perhaps you pupils could make some in some class or other, teach them how to sew, then you could sell some for some event for the kids or something.

We get anemone gurads without the pin prick fingers I get when hand sewing, (machine absolutely great, hand sewing, blood everywhere).

Great idea though :good:
I have a great idea seffie, perhaps you pupils could make some in some class or other, teach them how to sew, then you could sell some for some event for the kids or something.

We get anemone gurads without the pin prick fingers I get when hand sewing, (machine absolutely great, hand sewing, blood everywhere).

Great idea though :good:

Mmmmmm, now that's not a bad idea at all :good: Industry day springs to mind

Seffie x

Humzz, how to modify for a Nanostream....

Thanks for posting that Seffie, much appreciated :good:

All the best

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