well this is my first post here. i have recently found this site and am loving it.
but i do have some issues with my tank, 55 gal fish and live rock tank. being a beginner and broke i only have two Ocellaris Clowns and a Cleaner Shrimp. i am currently loving it and my little guys are active and love playing with each other. also the shrimp is more active than i thought he would be and is fun to watch.
i had my tank for about 3-4 weeks with LR before i added my fish. but i found these anemones thriving on my live rock and am not sure if they will hurt my fish. I brought a picture in to my local fish shop and they said they were not harmful. i was hoping someone might know what they are? or possibly have a different opinion if they can stay in my tank or not.
Also i found this slime on some of my live rock. not sure if i need to remove this or if its a sponge like someone on here mentioned before.
this is my beginner tank so any advice would be great. thanks
-Loving it so far-
Edit -
I have not had a problem with amonnia or nitrate. every thing is stable and has been since i started my tank. no swings at all, initally or when i added my first fish.
but i do have some issues with my tank, 55 gal fish and live rock tank. being a beginner and broke i only have two Ocellaris Clowns and a Cleaner Shrimp. i am currently loving it and my little guys are active and love playing with each other. also the shrimp is more active than i thought he would be and is fun to watch.
i had my tank for about 3-4 weeks with LR before i added my fish. but i found these anemones thriving on my live rock and am not sure if they will hurt my fish. I brought a picture in to my local fish shop and they said they were not harmful. i was hoping someone might know what they are? or possibly have a different opinion if they can stay in my tank or not.
Also i found this slime on some of my live rock. not sure if i need to remove this or if its a sponge like someone on here mentioned before.
this is my beginner tank so any advice would be great. thanks
-Loving it so far-
Edit -
I have not had a problem with amonnia or nitrate. every thing is stable and has been since i started my tank. no swings at all, initally or when i added my first fish.