And the addiction never ends....

February FOTM Photo Contest Starts Now! Fish of the Month
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Fish Addict
Jan 4, 2005
Reaction score
Queens, NY
I went to my lfs to buy a pair of peppered corys, everything went well. Walked into the store, went straight over to the tanks, chose the corys. On my way to the cashier, I passed by the bettas. They had about 10 crowntail bettas! Only $2.99. I called my husband...begging to get one...he said firmly "No, you have no room" so sadly I left the store with my corys. I begged all the way home. Finally I got him to drive me back to the store to get this guy...




Need a good name for him.

Edit: He looks lot like my starbrite...
He's very pretty :wub:

Maybe Starlight, Starbright? Kind of go off the little with 'song'. Starlight, Starbright, first star I see tonight...*so on and so forth* :p
Awwwwwwwwww~! I can see why you begged! I'd be begging too :cool: He's gorgeous! Our LFS carries crowntails too, but so far they haven't had one as flashy as yours! Congrats on your find, he's beautiful! As far as names go... I hate to be old fashioned, but maybe watch him for a couple of days and see what his personality inspires? I bought both my bettas with specific names in mind but after I got to know them the names just didn't fit~
I've decided to name him Starlite since he body is lighter in color and his fins are really bright. So now I have Starlite & Starbrite. :wub:

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