And some ppl think keeping these in...


Fish Herder
Mar 13, 2004
Reaction score
Searching Lake Ontario for tropical fish...No luck

Thats a huge Pacu!

Great site by the way, check it out (I got it off one of the google banners at the bottom :thumbs: )

Theres something not quite right about that pic. Although I can't see why someone would forge it because they do grow that big but Look hes not supporting it horizonatlly and holding it with one hand underneath only. Looks suspect to me ;)

Ok now i'm seriously into conspiracy look how the fish is more fuzzy that the rest of the piccie indicating its form another picture. The blokes probably just trying to exaggerate the size of a fish he caught. 'it was this big, look I've got a pic to prove it' :rofl: :lol: :D
Malt_Vinegar said:
Im glad im not the only one to think thats a fake, the perspective on the fish is all wrong!!
I agree :nod:

Also, I am afraid that the Pacu is simply another fish that should not really be kept in aquariums (there are always exceptions) but I think this about many fish which a lot of members of this site keep.

That fish looks to huge to hold like that. I didn't know they got that big. It's HUGE!!!!!

I was in north carolina last week for a wedding and there was a small fish shop that had a black pacu there and it was bigger than that one. They kept it in a 520 gallon custom tank and fed it jumbo shrimp and algae waffers.
Wow, TFF members have waayyyyyyyyyyyyy too much time on thier hands. The picture isnt fake!!! The fish is being supported by the thing in its mouth! Hes holding it with his other hand...

You know you need a life when:

Your making up conspirasies about pictures of fish!

lol :eek: :rofl:
i saw one of those in a store, it was huge. its a really scary looking fish.
drobbins27 said:
Wow, TFF members have waayyyyyyyyyyyyy too much time on thier hands. The picture isnt fake!!! The fish is being supported by the thing in its mouth! Hes holding it with his other hand...

You know you need a life when:

Your making up conspirasies about pictures of fish!

lol :eek: :rofl:
Maybe you actually need to think about the junk you post.

The size of that fish does not correspond with the way he has his arms. The fish simply doesn't look right as well.

Doesn't take a genius...
My two cents:

1 the fish's skin is giving way under the dude's right hand, so there does appear to be some pressure coming down on his hand. Also look up around the dorsal fin - doesn't that look like something is coming out of there - maybe a metal rod of some sort. I think he may have some fancy sort of gaff or whatnot in the Pacu's mouth and the other end protrudes out by the dorsal fin ... if it's real

2 Pacus get big - end of story. My WalMart should not be selling them considering the biggest tanks they have are 55 USg. Drob made a good point for ppl unfamiliar with the fish and might think "oh it's like a cute piranha for a community tank".
i just hope that thing isnt dead and the guy releases it back

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