

Fish Gatherer
Sep 2, 2002
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got me self 2 of these puppies today! tiny about 2 cm if that, not sure waht kind but i am guessing common! anyone keep this or have done...
Hey cryosi,

nice little fish - there is a few varieties though.

Have a look at THIS

Got me 3 different species at moment, a Starlight Ancistrus male, A White seam male and a 'common' female. All ace fish. 'Common' female was bred last year, her beau is at a mates house now. Male guards eggs and young, fantastic parent. Feed courgette, blanched spinage/lettace and frozen bloodworm to condition. Love algae wafers and catfish pellets as well! Dead easy to keep and really tough, they'll fight ANYTHING if it is in their favourite spot (usually under bogwood) but luckily no harm ever comes. Need bogwood to aid digestion and for general wellbeing!! B)
got a chunk of bogwood in the tank got 2 in a 2ft tank at mo, they only tiny when they get full size i put them in big tank depends on the zebras. cant wait to see excatly what ones i have lfs said common but u know how they can be someitmes lol ..... u got any pics of urs !
Not yet m8, working on it though! Took some of fish the other day, reflection free but negs a bit thin!! Will try again later in week. For cats though will probhably set up 'photo tank' because of how elusive they are!! B)
thats the truest statement i read in here for a day or so. elusive takes me ages to get a photo of them and i dont really want to chase them round with a net and get them as it stresses them( pesky things i only a photot each lo) ah well oneday..........
rite me ancistrus have 2 white marks on their tails top and bottom.....gonna go hunting on for some similar ones on here hehehe crumbs lots of fry / young ones have white or yellow tails on p/catfish mmmmm gonna have to wait till they grow me thinks (pesky lfs and the signs they could have written fo the descriptions) :/
so here goes i have L059 Ancistrus sp. white-seam after much hunting and much taking foto's (lol if only i got 1 decent one) so i am happy wish the local M/A could be bothered to look and see what they have in stock.....
I was looking for something for the bottom of my tank and came across some of these today in my 'new improved' garden centre - I may even buy fish from there again ;) (fish dept must be under new management).

I don't want anything too big in my 3' and these seem ideal. I was advised noly to get one though as one will out eat the other and stress it to death! happened with a pair of ruby sharks i had a couple of years ago.

I'd love to be able to breed them. Would 2 female and 1 male work?
u mean ancistrus! eat the other lol first i heard (not sure) my 2 are ok in a 2ft tank cos they only an inch long when they get bigger they going in the big tank, they eat loads of algae thou apparently they can eat the tank clean of algae if they given a chance lol
just got 2 babies for me big tank to help clear a small algae problem the plec wont deal with i spoil him on other foods to much lol :lol: :lol: :lol:
well, I just got home with a pair of pim pictus :wub: there cooool

get ready for many q's on these babies ;)
cool andi how many u get i got 4 white seam ancistrus now! 2 for big and 2 for small get around 3 inches or so so plenty of room got a lovely pair of melini cory's as well and 9 more green neons!
cryosi said:
cool andi how many u get i got 4 white seam ancistrus now! 2 for big and 2 for small get around 3 inches or so so plenty of room got a lovely pair of melini cory's as well and 9 more green neons!
hehe cryosi - a pair = two :rolleyes:

am watching them in the dark right now lol

ah, and green neons :wub: :wub: :wub: niceeee
a pair = two! sheesh and i got a c in math go figure!

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