An Update On Linguini


New Member
Mar 17, 2009
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Hi everyone.

I used to go on here a lot over 6 months ago (well mostly for reading posts, not really posting =P). Some may remember me, most probably wouldn't. Either way, I came here to seek help for my betta, Linguini. Often I found comfort in the knowledge people provided me to fix the problems I had with my betta. However, I also found that the solutions people said were best actually were worse for my little guy. Furthermore, the solutions that work best for him are the ones people said were the worst options. Here's what I mean.

First, I had my guy in a fish bowl. No heater. None of that. Course, there were problems with that. Makes sense. I was new to keeping bettas, so forgive me. I was told that I needed to get a 3 gallon tank or more, heater, filter, etc. So, I managed to get around to buying a 5.5 gallon tank with a heater and filter. I was really excited! I thought that Linguini would be fully happy!


He became more unhappy with having the tank. He was okay, but he definitely wasn't what I was picturing with what I got him. By the end of the summer, I had to move him back into the fish bowl because I was going back to university in a residence room and they only allow fish bowls (it's a decent size fish bowl though, don't get me wrong. It's actually meant for plants really. But I mean, it's pretty big). Anyway, I noticed he was a lot happier in the bowl. I managed to add the heater in the bowl to help control the temperature a little more. Since he's been in this bowl again, he's been incredibly happy.

I have not had any issues with him since he's moved out of the tank. I do thank everyone for the knowledge they've provided me and I strongly believe that they deserve bigger homes than what is sold for bettas. However, I found that my little guy was a lot more comfortable in the bowl I have for him as opposed to the tank that was "proper size". I only speak in this way because I experienced what I considered a bit of attitude in the past from my questions that I became frustrated with this website and no longer came here for assistance.

Nonetheless, these websites are good for people who care for their fish. Without these kind of websites, Linguini probably wouldn't still be thriving today. However, I felt I needed to share the update and just say that not everything that is believed is always correct. Linguini is the happiest he's ever been living in the bowl that everyone said "WAS WAAAYYY TOO SMALLL" (though I think pictures underestimate the size of it).

I will admit though, I'm sure the heater definitely added to Linguini's happiness...not going to lie =).

But anyways, that's all I have to share.
I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday season.
:good: as somebody said to me on here the other day "it's good that its working for you"

i was a bit put off to begin with here but people have the best intentions at heart, even though it may not seem to be the case due to the way things can be worded (joys of internet conversations)
How big is your bowl? I have one of my boys in a 3.5 gallon bowl with a very wide top (for more surface area) heated, filtered and with plenty of silk plants for 4 months now and he's a happy chappy (theres some pictures on here somewhere of it and him, still tomorow he's being moved to a similar sized tank to go on my bedside table and the bowl will be used for male endlers. I moving him as i feel that it would simply be a better enviroment for even though he is perfectly content where he is.
For us to tell you why he may prefer his old enviroment we need a few questions answering :good:

How long was he in the 5gal for?

Was it heated/filtered?

What was the decoration in the 5gal?

What is the decore in the bowl?

Was the 5gal cycled?

How big is the bowl?

Answer those and we can deduce why you little fella seems to prefer his old home :nod:
Also out of experience and for the fishes sake i highly reccomend you get a small sponge filter for the bowl if it is to be his permanent home.
I think its up to you as the pet owner to make your own discoveries as to what your pet likes the most, you are the one with the pet seeing its joy and sharing its sadness, every being (human, animal ect) is different and it is what you find they prefure and enjoy most!

As long as hes happy and ....where is there a problem???

I think people need to lay off the "dont do this" and "you cant do that" and other demands and just make suggestions of what has worked for them and their pet!
Your tank might have not been decorated enough. I have a girl who was really scared in her tank despite me thinking it was well planted, and now it seems so overcrowded but she's delighted to never have to be out in the open. One of the main reasons people say to keep the fish in a larger tank is because its so difficult to keep the water quality high in a small tank/bowl. From what I've noticed, bettas can appear happy with bad water quality and then suddenly get ill. But if you can keep the water clean in his bowl he should be ok. Remember, you're going to need 100% water changes if it's not filtered.
Agreed. With soph

As long as he's got a heater. and doing daily waterchnages it should be fine.

We all know its nto sme Small cruddy bowl. It does sound like a 3 gallon bowl atleast.

And No.

Not 100%.

Its 50%-75% Daily water changes.
Bettas are basically a little like agoraphobics. If you dump a betta in a bigger tank and it isn't heavily planted enough, then it will feel unsafe and exposed, sulk, most likely not feed well, and the owner will invariably move the fish back to an inadequate home.

When we say heavy planting , one or two plants isn't what's meant. You need a LOT. Thick planting plus gentle filtration and correct temp and a slow introduction to the larger tank go a long way to kaing a betta more comfortable.

Leaving the fish in for a day and deciding he doesn't like it isn't much good. Not enough time for him to get used to his new home.

I've taken to using a breeding net (like the one's you get for guppies) to introduce the fish to the bigger tank. Put him in with a clump of moss to hide in, and keep him in there for a week. He may sulk a bit but just leae him to get used to it and then release him into the plants after the week is over. I've found that to work many times.
What signs were there that he wasn't happy?
I think people need to lay off the "dont do this" and "you cant do that" and other demands and just make suggestions of what has worked for them and their pet!

Everyone has the right to an opinion, an the OP's are under no obligation to read posts or follow the advice given. If they do so fine, if not fine.
I think people need to lay off the "dont do this" and "you cant do that" and other demands and just make suggestions of what has worked for them and their pet!

Everyone has the right to an opinion, an the OP's are under no obligation to read posts or follow the advice given. If they do so fine, if not fine.

Thank god someone said it :rolleyes:
I think people need to lay off the "dont do this" and "you cant do that" and other demands and just make suggestions of what has worked for them and their pet!

Everyone has the right to an opinion, an the OP's are under no obligation to read posts or follow the advice given. If they do so fine, if not fine.

Thank god someone said it :rolleyes:

yes but some people almost force their "OPINIONS" on other people instead of saying "this didnt work for me but this did so maybe try one then the other"
Every pet/Betta is different!
Ive got a betta that i dare not put in a tank with anything else as he attacks everything!! but then i have a betta that hates being alone and loves the company of other fish ect in the tank!
Pet/Betta ownership is all about trial and error if you or the pet dont get on with something change it till you and your pet are happy and as long as the betta is happy and healthy who cares what size the tank is as long as they maintain it properly!

P.s. Congrats Klover on finding something that both you and your betta are happy with and going by what your betta was telling you and not by the book of "opinions" of what is so called right and wrong!
No, people state their opinions and others can't cope with what's posted there, decide they're being somehow "forced" by words on a screen and get overexcited about it.

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