Fish Fanatic
Ok! I'm so happy with my boys that I wanted to get them a girlfriend! So I won a lovely little blue crowntail female on aquabid, got a tank and thought I was set to go! When I got my supplies I was counting on getting only one female, so I have two gallon sized tanks and a gallon bowl. I didn't realize that the seller was going to be wonderfully generous and send me an extra female for free! Soooo now in two or three days I'm going to have to house one more fish. The problem is that I'm a college student and my only transportation are my own legs and feet and rides from friends (who are all currently out of town since our summer break just started) and anywhere I can go to get tanks are waaaaaaaaay far away. Usually I would just hop a bus and go, but I have a rather bad case of tendonitis in my foot and have been strictly ordered to rest it for several days. Both my father and the doctor looked at me like I was insane for having walked on it for two weeks (I had to! Finals were so bad I didn't have time to sleep, much less keep off my feet!) and will KILL me if I run off on a three hour bus adventure. Well, to make this short, I can't guarentee that I'll have a home for my extra female when she comes >_< If I can't get a another tank, what should I do? Any suggestions? I could put them both in the bowl but I don't care to risk two females in such a small space.