an idea


helping big fish eat little fish everyday
Dec 8, 2002
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UPPER Michigan
okay as everybody already knows I HAD 2 pirhanas but they died within 10 minutes of each other which needless to say was a shock to me......
but now I have a 55 gal tank that is sitting empty and I want to stock it with SA cichlids. any ideas. the tank is currently medicated and I am going to drain it and clean it and then cycle it with some small fish and and stuff but so far I can't choose there are soooooo many that I am looking at I NEED HElP I think that I am losing my mind over this
I forgot to add that if I do start to put cichlids in the tank that I defantly want to get a couple of cockatoo dwarf cichlids
sorry about your pirhanas juan,did you find out what happened?

ok-let's see you definately want the "cockatoo dwarf cichlids"here's a link to a lil info on them,if it's the same one you're thinking about.

this pic was labeled cockatoo dwarf as well.

i kept them w/angels,some black & white laoches and some german rams.those would proly be the best tankmates imo.
thanks for the support Most..... I m going to have to keep the cockatoo's in the back of my head for now.....or at least in my little fish notebook tha tI keep. I just got some new fish for the tank. I got 2 labidochromis caervleus(yellow) and one nimbochromis livingstonii. they are all juviniles and so it is kind of hard to find something that they want to eat. I saw that the fish shop owner was feeding them crushed flake food. but I want to give them a more varied diet so that they don't become picky eaters. I had oscars in the past that were picky eaters and they all died.
I am only guessing on the nimbo. but I am going to post a pic and if anybody has an idea it will help.
The N. livingstonii will get much to big and aggressive to be housed permanently with your electric yellows!!

An adult N. livingstonii

These fish are highly predatory and will make short work of the yellows. He will also not be very comfortable in a 55 gallon tank!!

My suggestion would be to take him back to the shop (the shop owner should not have sold it to you knowing it would be housed with the yellows!!).

Try some peacocks with the yellows. A group of 2M/4F would go great with the yellows and make a nice contrast depending on the strain you decide on!!

i liked that one as well when i was getting my malawi's but was told they are nasty little buggers and get to about 25cm. All mine at the moment will get to about 12 cm
well I will have to keep an eye on him but he will be perfect for what I am going to do with him I am planing on making hin the center of my new tank in about 6-8 months when I get a 155g tank.
the funny thing is that he looks like the adult and he is only about 1.5 inches right now that is why I am not sure if it is a N.Livingstonii. but if it is lke I said before I will eventually move him to a bigger tank.
Glad to hear you have plans for a bigger tank!!!

If it is N. livingstonii it will be very happy in those digs!!

what is there a malawi that looks similar but is less agresive and doesnt grow as large??????????????????????? I HOPE SO
hollywood there is I think but with out my books right here by my side I can't tell you.

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