This is not a journal but it concerns an article.
An article of mine has been published in the german livebearer magazine "Viviparos" # 2-2020 edition. It's about "Mating choice and reproduction in livebearers" which is also the title. The orginal title in german is: "Partnerwahl und Reproduktion bei lebendgebärende Zahnkarpfen"
It arrived today. It came earlier in the mail than usuall.
This livebearer magazine is the national german livebearer magazine. Also available abroad. I forgot what number this article of mine is that has been published in Germany.
An article of mine has been published in the german livebearer magazine "Viviparos" # 2-2020 edition. It's about "Mating choice and reproduction in livebearers" which is also the title. The orginal title in german is: "Partnerwahl und Reproduktion bei lebendgebärende Zahnkarpfen"
It arrived today. It came earlier in the mail than usuall.
This livebearer magazine is the national german livebearer magazine. Also available abroad. I forgot what number this article of mine is that has been published in Germany.