Following on from This thread
Having just dispatched of my influx of Malaysian Trumpet Snails I came up with the idea that perhaps things like these should be done in a similar way to the media donor system. Where people such as myself can register as an MTS donor and people after certain things can pm their local donor.
This wouldn't only work for MTS but could also be for things like guppy fry or other stuff that people occasionally get but don't know what to do with. You could limit it to things that are free or P&P only to stop commercial interests taking over.
I know there's already a plant version of this but I thought it might be worth while thinking about doing it for some of the other things that pop up regularly on the buy/sell/swap board.
Just a thought...
Having just dispatched of my influx of Malaysian Trumpet Snails I came up with the idea that perhaps things like these should be done in a similar way to the media donor system. Where people such as myself can register as an MTS donor and people after certain things can pm their local donor.
This wouldn't only work for MTS but could also be for things like guppy fry or other stuff that people occasionally get but don't know what to do with. You could limit it to things that are free or P&P only to stop commercial interests taking over.
I know there's already a plant version of this but I thought it might be worth while thinking about doing it for some of the other things that pop up regularly on the buy/sell/swap board.
Just a thought...